Michael Rene Walton

Michael Rene Walton


Michael Rene Walton


Bigfoot, UFOs and Jesus
Jim Rue
A lifetime ago in a sleepy Michigan lake town, Hannah Howard (Melissa Anschutz) experienced something otherworldly. For years the event was pushed to the corners of her mind, seemingly forgotten until a trip home starts unlocking her past memories. Can her advice-giving, hippy-mother (Victoria Jackson) or the small town preacher (Don Most) or her newly discovered, bigfoot-hunting brother (Josh 'Ponceman' Perry) help her make sense of it all? To add to the growing mystery, the strange events have started again upon Hannah's return. Strange lights appearing in the sky over a place locals call the Devil's Crossroads.
Wild Faith
Kid Joe
Emmett Murphy (Shane Hagedorn) is a Civil War veteran who returns to his Michigan home looking for peace. After his wife dies, he fulfills his promise to a dying soldier and brings the Negro widow, Haddie (Lauren LaStrada) and her daughter to stay with him and his son. The townsfolk aren’t ready for this modern family and a nefarious plot to remove them is hatched. Facing bigotry and greatly outnumbered, Emmett struggles to find faith. But when the circus train comes to town, a mysterious turn of events provide Emmett and his family with the unexpected help they need to overcome.
El ataque de los donuts asesinos
Un accidente químico convierte a rosquillas ordinarias en asesinas sedientas de sangre. Ahora le toca a Johnny, Michelle y Howard para salvar a su pueblo soñoliento de... Donuts asesinos.
6 Maneras de morir
Sonny 'Sundown' Garcia
Sonny García se dedica a distribuir narcóticos provenientes de Estados Unidos con destino a los carteles colombianos; él ha logrado crear toda una red eficiente y productiva de distribución desde hace muchos años. Por otro lado, John Doe es una persona misteriosa cuyo identidad y pasado no son conocidos por nadie, pero al parecer todos saben que lo único que quiere es ver muerto a Sundown. Pero antes de hacerlo pretende hacerlo pagar por todo aquello que le hizo sufrir y perder. Para poder llevar a cabo sus planes decide contratar a unos sicarios que logren acabar con la vida de Sundown, pero antes de que muera quiere 6 cosas: su libertad, su amor, su reputación, su posesión más preciada, su dinero y al final de toda su vida. Esta situación convierte la vida de Sundown en todo un infierno, empiezan con su dinero limpiando su cuenta bancaria, luego su esposa se desaparece de la nada, cada cosa le va siendo tomada, ahora solo tiene su vida y al parecer es lo único que falta…
The Mourning
20 years after going MIA in Desert Storm, Aaron returns home under mysterious conditions, not having aged since his disappearance, and must reestablish relationships with loved ones before an imminent return to an ambiguous other-worldly existence.
The Mourning
20 years after going MIA in Desert Storm, Aaron returns home under mysterious conditions, not having aged since his disappearance, and must reestablish relationships with loved ones before an imminent return to an ambiguous other-worldly existence.
20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending
Below the streets of New York is a dark and dangerous world hidden in the shadows of abandoned subway tunnels and miles of forgotten infrastructure. When a young documentary filmmaker goes into these tunnels to uncover the unseen stories of the people living below our feet, she finds out that there is more to be afraid of than the dark. A mysterious figure, living beyond the reach of the law, has declared war on the outside world that threatens to tear apart the fragile underground society living in the tunnels and maybe even the city above it.
Knight Chills
John is an avid role player. He has feelings for Brooke, a fellow role player, but when Brooke makes it clear to him that the feelings are far from mutual, John is thrown into despair and takes his own life. In the wake of this, his friends and fellow gamers are stalked by a mysterious black knight.