Joshua Marc Berman

Joshua Marc Berman


Joshua Marc Berman


Karla & Jonas
Karla met Jonas during a summer vacation at the lake. After being unable to stop thinking about him and their kiss she phones him, making up a school assignment about children living in an orphanage, which is precisely where Jonas lives.
A group of boys start to harass a schoolmate after they misinterpret his behavior at school.
Monster buster
Oliver, de 12 años, descubre que su abuelo solía ser un cazador de monstruos y mantiene a un monstruo sombra encerrado en su sótano secreto. Cuando el monstruo sombra escapa accidentalmente, Oliver y su hermano menor Lasse tienen que seguir las instrucciones de su abuelo y alistar a sus amigos para atrapar al monstruo y traerlo de vuelta, ¡antes de que sea demasiado tarde! »Monster Busters« se basa en una idea del universo en la serie de libros para niños de Jacob Weinreich.
Karla & Katrine
Karla invites Katrine to spend the holidays with her, hoping they might become best friends. As it turns out, nothing goes as planned. Karla meets Jonas and falls in love for the first time, and she nearly forgets all about Katrine. However, the two girls are forced to put their difficulties aside for a while, as they join Jonas in exposing a local gang of thieves.