Mike Foster


El amor y otras cosas imposibles
Set Dresser
Emilia (Natalie Portman), una licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad de Harvard, se acaba de casar con Jack (Scott Cohen), un importante abogado neoyorquino que era su jefe -y que estaba casado- cuando ella empezó a trabajar en su bufete. Desgraciadamente, la vida de Emilia da un vuelco inesperado cuando Jack y ella pierden a su hija recién nacida.
Money for Nothing Sex for Free
A beautiful bride and her gallant husband enter by mistake into the den of an important drug baron, when they are actually looking for the nuptial suite. The girl suddenly finds herself in the middle of a transaction. This is never a place you want to find yourself! The new bride then finds herself being fucked, but not by her husband! And as if that wasn't bad enough, she finds that she likes it!