Raewyn Blade


Bonjour Timothy
Miss Braithwaite
Timothy and his family is expecting a French-Canadian male exchange student, that turns out to be an attractive girl, to which Timothy proceeds to make a fool of himself, trying to impress. When Michelle becomes ill from drinking spiked punch at a party, Timothy notices a tattoo while helping her to bed. He foolishly tells a friend about the tattoo, who proceeds to tell the whole school, which does not go down well with Michelle.
El factor humano
Maurice Castle (Nicol Williamson) es un mediocre empleado del servicio de inteligencia británico que trabaja recopilando rutinaria información de los países de África. En la época del Appartheid estuvo destinado en Sudáfrica y se casó con una nativa. Castle observa impotente cómo un compañero y amigo suyo es implicado erronéamente en un caso de contraespionaje.