Sima Janićijević

Sima Janićijević

Nacimiento : 1912-10-26, Kragujevac, Serbia

Muerte : 1996-09-07


Sima Janićijević


Living Like the Rest of Us
A young non-conformist enrolls at the music academy in Belgrade. There he faces a lot of existential, as well as emotional problems.
Doktor Radić
Two partisans, a man and a woman, try to escape a Nazi manhunt in the infernal landscape of WW2 Vojvodina.
A speechless war poem set in a remote village. The farmers struck by war turn into fighters.
A Trap for the General
Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.
Predsednik suda
TV drama that depicts treatment and persecution of outlaws in the Kingdom of Serbia during 1860s.
Winnetou en el valle de la muerte
Maj. Kingsley (uncredited)
Mabel Kingsley se dirige a un pueblo del oeste para limpiar el nombre de su padre, acusado de robar oro del gobierno. En su búsqueda de la verdad, cuenta con la ayuda de Old Shatterhand, el Mayor Kingsley, un teniente del ejército, un botánico amateur y Winnetou. Pese a las trabas causadas por los bandidos a los que persiguen y por el jefe Sioux, enemigo de Winnetou, el grupo llega al Valle de la Muerte, lugar donde se encuentran las claves sobre el oro perdido que Kingsley ha venido a buscar.
Wild Seed
Pop Nikola
A man who escaped from a prison comes to his inmate's village to find his wife, after having been told how wonderful she is. He hides at her place only to find out that she receives "night visits" from the village men. He starts a killing spree, causing panic among the locals.
Man and Beast
Pijan covek
End of the WWII, concentration camp somewhere in Poland. Prisoners have heard that Germans have plans to kill them all, before the Allies come. One of the prisoners escapes, and tries to find the Allies. A manhunt begins.
El tesoro del lago de la plata
El coronel Brinkley es un criminal que se ha hecho con el mapa de donde está el tesoro del Lago de la Plata. Winnetou y Old Shatterhand acuden una vez más en pro de la bondad, pero por el camino se encontrarán con tribus enemigas que les harán frente.
Early Fall
A young daughter resents another man coming into the life of her divorced mother.
Train without a Timetable
Jole, Danin otac
The story about colonization of poor Dalmatian peasants to the fertile Pannonian plain shortly after WWII.
Dubrowsky (Italian: Il vendicatore) is a 1959 Italian- Yugoslav historical period drama film directed by William Dieterle. It is based on the novel Dubrovsky by Alexander Pushkin.
SS Strike at Dawn
During the Battle of Sutjeska, headquarters one of the a partisan detachment, decides to enter deeper into the forest to save a few soldiers and wounded from inevitable death. Commander of the detachment, sent a group of fighters in the reconnaissance. As time goes on, the Germans are getting closer to discovering the detachment and wounded, hunger, exhaustion, forcing people to surrender, but at the time of surrender, and when the Germans discovered detachment, there is a sudden rescue from the group that was in the field reconnaissance.
Shots in the Sky
Upon returning home at war's end, a young lieutenant discovers that his family has been murdered by the Nazis. It's all the handiwork of a treasonous "Chetnik," who during the war worked against the partisans on behalf of the Germans. In bitter retaliation, the lieutenant sets about to decimate the Chetnik's family. He stops short, however, when he realizes that the sins of the fathers are not always passed down to the innocent children.
Saturday Night
Nadin otac Sima
Three stories set in Belgrade by night: A loving couple who alarms public uproar for kissing in the street, a lonely boxing handler whose help isn't really appreciated, and two young people who never manage to get to know each other due to dress code issues.
Miguel Strogoff
Vendeur cheval I
Cuando los tártaros, mandados por Ogareff, asesinan a su mujer e hijo, Miguel, un intrépido oficial del Ejército Imperial Ruso, pierde la alegría de vivir. Cuando el Zar le encarga la peligrosa misión de atravesar la zona de Siberia controlada por Ogareff, para restablecer las comunicaciones con el ejército, Miguel no dudará un instante.
The Siege
Brko, mitraljezac
A group of partisans is under siege, surrounded by strong German forces. Some of them remember the events that preceded the siege. This is an omnibus of three intertwined stories.
The Siege
A group of partisans is under siege, surrounded by strong German forces. Some of them remember the events that preceded the siege. This is an omnibus of three intertwined stories.
A Child of Community
Konobar 2
While everybody show off by giving a child to community's custody, and make career in the process, the child remains alone and neglected.
The Gypsy Girl
Burdened with prejudices, Haji-Toma kills his son who wants to marry a beautiful Gypsy girl Koštana, who is then forced to marry the man she's not in love with.
Story of a Factory
Politički radnik
Shortly after country's liberation, one of few factories tries to enhance its production. A group of reactionary individuals fails to stop its work and building of new production units.
The Unconquered People
As Hitler's Nazi army invades Yugoslavia, a Serbian village girl joins the underground movement, falls in love with the Croat soldier Ivan who is an expert in blowing up trains, and inspires villagers young and old to aggressively participate in the resistance.