Israel Makoe

Nacimiento : , Alexandra Township - South Africa


Israel Makoe is an actor.


Red Cargo
Two undercover agents sent to get rid of a rhino poaching syndicate, become the hunted after discovering that high ranking government officials are implicated.
Amandla is an anti-apartheid resistance slogan and means power. Apartheid in South Africa is still in full force when, in 1987, the two brothers Impi and Nkosana grew up on a farm as the sons of servants. The white owners are liberal people who aren't too particular about racial segregation. Black Africans have it relatively good there. Even a tender love bond develops between Impi and the blond daughter Elizabeth. But they have to be on their guard when neighboring farmers come to visit. When three racist upstart Boers arrive on the farm one day, tragic incidents occur with terrible consequences. The two Zulu boys are now on their own. Several years after surviving this childhood tragedy, the now grown brothers each find themselves on the opposing sides of the law. One is a gangster, the other is a police officer. A heinous gang crime tests their loyalty to one another.
Yo soy todas ellas
Una implacable inspectora encuentra afinidades con un asesino que mata a los criminales que dirigen una poderosa red de tráfico de menores.
Beyond the River
Inspired by the true story of Siseko Ntondini and Piers Cruickshanks, who together won gold in the 2014 Dusi, Beyond the River delivers a nail-biting adventure story about the triumph of the human spirit.
La buena mentira
Bracelet Soldier
Un refugiado de la guerra civil sudanesa convive en los Estados Unidos con otros niños sudaneses. Tras su llegada a América, los pequeños conocen a Carrie, una trabajadora social que, consciente de su tragedia, trata de enseñarles cómo deben desenvolverse en un mundo tan distinto al suyo.
Four Corners
Directed by Ian Gabriel, “Four Corners” revolves around a 13-year-old chess whiz drawn into the Cape Town’s well-known child-gang culture. Touted as the first film to delve into the 100-year-old war between South Africa’s so-called Number gangs, the 26 and the 28, it blends the Sabela, Tsotsi-taal and Cape Afrikaans dialects and mixes established talents with non-actors and first-time thesps from schools and communities across the Cape Flats.
The Gift
A disillusioned Johannesburg street thug rescues an orphaned child with uncontrollable supernatural powers. On the run, he must help the sickly boy master his gift before a superstitious family member finds them.
Tsotsi's father
En uno de los barrios más miserables de Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica), Tsotsi, un chaval de 19 años, ha borrado todos sus recuerdos, incluyendo su nombre real. Tsotsi significa "matón" o "gangster" en el argot callejero del guetto. Huérfano desde muy pequeño y obligado a salir adelante por sus propios medios, Tsotsi ha llevado una vida de privaciones extremas, tanto físicas como psíquicas. Tiene escasa conciencia de los sentimientos de los demás y se ha endurecido borrando cualquier sentido de la compasión. Gobernado por el impulso y el instinto, le mueve el miedo que inspira a otros. Sin nombre, sin pasado, sin ningún plan para el futuro, en un presente lleno de rabia, Tsotsi lidera su propio grupo de marginados sociales... (FILMAFFINITY)