Luis Ayhllón


Nocturno es un drama intenso que cuenta el inesperado y ambiguo encuentro de un padre enfermo (en la última etapa de su vida) con su hija, enfermera de profesión, a quien presumiblemente abandonó cuando era una niña.
Nocturno es un drama intenso que cuenta el inesperado y ambiguo encuentro de un padre enfermo (en la última etapa de su vida) con su hija, enfermera de profesión, a quien presumiblemente abandonó cuando era una niña.
La extinción de los dinosaurios
Hugo tiene cáncer terminal y necesita dinero fácil. Por tal razón, le ofrece su casa a Paco, un viejo amigo que treinta años atrás tuvo un affaire con su esposa. Paco quiere comprarle la casa, pero no tiene un céntimo, así que propone cometer un asalto.
La extinción de los dinosaurios
Hugo tiene cáncer terminal y necesita dinero fácil. Por tal razón, le ofrece su casa a Paco, un viejo amigo que treinta años atrás tuvo un affaire con su esposa. Paco quiere comprarle la casa, pero no tiene un céntimo, así que propone cometer un asalto.
Familia Gang
A senior official of the Mexican political system decides to fake the capture and death of The Coyote, public enemy number one in Mexico, to make this happen, he cuts a deal with his family, who require a dead body to pose as a double. Topillero is responsible of executing the plan. But on this journey he is reunited with his wife and son, whom he abandoned years ago.
Is a thriller that mixes different genres and styles, from comedy to Mexican wrestling films. It follows the story of a cop with a reputation for being an idiot who jumps on the trail of a missing girl, discovering that his best friend is involved. Along the way they encounter a series of strange characters, typical inhabitants of Mexico City. Everything takes place in a day, from morning to night.
Is a thriller that mixes different genres and styles, from comedy to Mexican wrestling films. It follows the story of a cop with a reputation for being an idiot who jumps on the trail of a missing girl, discovering that his best friend is involved. Along the way they encounter a series of strange characters, typical inhabitants of Mexico City. Everything takes place in a day, from morning to night.
Black Box
After Emiliano dies from poisoning, a vault in Zürich opens to reveal a video tape of edited fragments from surveillance cameras that captured the most important day in Emiliano's life. That day he learned that what matters most in life are not beginnings or endings, what matters most is one defining moment: his peculiar encounter with Juan when he recruited him to assassinate a former presidencial candidate.
Espías en la ciudad
En 1941, una prostituta tiene un inesperado encuentro con su hijo, al que le confiesa que ella es espía.