Emanuel Lattanzio


La boda de mi mejor amigo
Julia (Ana Serradilla) es una renombrada crítica gastronómica con miedo al compromiso. A pesar de eso, su mejor amigo Manuel (Carlos Ferro) y ella se habían prometido que si para cuando cumplieran 35 años seguían solteros, se casarían entre ellos. Una tarde, Julia recibe una llamada de Manuel en la que le dice que dentro de cuatro días va a casarse con alguien más. Confiada en que ella es la única mujer para Manuel, Julia intentará detener la boda a toda costa. Remake de la comedia norteamericana de 1997 protagonizada por Julia Roberts y Cameron Díaz.
Un juego
Two brothers, Fernando and Pablo, enjoy a playful relationship. One night, their usual games take a different path, becoming something real and completely unknown.
Doctor Funes Formula
Martin, a child of the 21st century, through his telescope discovers Doctor Funes, the inventor of a formula to become young again and the envy of Doctor Moebius, who also wants to regain his youth. Martin goes to visit old Funes, but instead finds twelve year old Pablo, whom he shelters in his house without telling his parents what is going on. Pablo turns the biology teacher into a baby girl with a pacifier, and a group of the elderly into children. Martin dreams of a world of only children, but Doctor Moebius steals the formula, not knowing that its effects are unpredictable.