Lionel Tua

Nacimiento : 1962-02-28,


Princesse Dragon
Bristle es una niña que ha sido criada por dragones. Respira fuego, es tan fuerte como los hombres, puede cambiar de color según la estación y tiene un pelo que sirve de hogar para muchos animales pequeños. Pero cuando su padre dragón tiene que pagar a Sorcerog, le ofrece a Bristle, lo que hace que ella se ponga triste y abandone la cueva familiar. Entonces Bristle se embarca en un viaje para descubrir el mundo.
9 Fingers
Warner Oland
In the middle of the night, Magloire is smoking a cigarette in an abandoned train station when the police shows up for an ID check. He starts running with no luggage, no future until he meets a dying man from whom he inherits a fortune. Magloire is now pursued by a gang. He becomes their hostage, but accomplice too. As he doesn’t anything to lose. Like someone who gets away with everything, someone with no expectations…
Потерянный сад
Narrator (voice)
Dharma Guns
The film opens on a water-skiing accident - a girl (Délie) drives a speedboat and pulls a young man (Stan). They are both challenging their own limits when a crash occurs... Stan wakes up from a coma after this serious accident, to find out that genealogists are looking for an individual whose identity corresponds to his. Instead of asking himself questions about this testamentary filiation, he subscribes for Professor Starkov's legacy, and embarks for the country of Las Estrellas... Purging odyssey where intuition and telepathy accelerates the journey in time. Dharma Guns revisits the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice fighting with the tyranny of Time-God...
Doctor Chance
The Spaniard
Angstel trades in forged paintings, under the guidance of his mother, Milady. Their network extends into other murky affairs, provoking the wrath of a rival gang. Angstel falls in love with Ancetta, a prostitute, and flees with her to the north of Chile. - IFFR
Treasure of the Bitch Islands
The world after the atomic age. An engineer disappears, together with his consortium (Kryo'Corp) and his discovery: a new energy source powered by the fusion of two primary substances. Ulysses, Kryo'Corp's heir, organises an expedition to the only place these substances occur.
The Case of the Morituri Divisions
Pierre Tanzanie
The story about gladiators against a German background. One of them, Ettore, has become a star of the underworld. He ends up breaking down, caught in a role he can no longer fulfill. His last betrayal is to spill the beans to the press. –São Paulo International Film Festival
Zona inquinata
La Zone - the poor, dangerous quarters of Paris (George Lacombe, 1928); the administrative zone where Orpheus looks for his lost Eurydice (Jean Cocteau, 1950); Interzone - the working title for Naked Lunch (W.S. Burroughs, 1959). In 1983, Ossang created a synthesis of all these territories of unrest under a banner of dead colours. - IFFR