Jong-hak Choi


Dancing With Ghosts
Gang Member
Yoo-jin appears in the dreams of Dong-jae who is a host for lonely women at night. She appears in real life, asking him for help. What she needs is to sleep with him once. Yoo-jin was a virgin ghost and she needed Dong-jae to help her to go back to the after world. However, he doesn't want to sleep with her because she used to be his crush and he'd been waiting to see her in his dreams and in real life. He is afraid sleeping with her will make him lose her. Will he sleep with her or continue to live with her like this?
More Than Blue
Sa-pa-mi Engineer
Ka es un productor de programas de radio que ama a Cream, a pesar de que sólo tiene unos pocos meses de vida. Sabe que su mayor miedo es dejarla sola y decide mantener su secreto, tomando la difícil decisión de casar a Cream con un hombre sano y de buen corazón, Jun-Hwan. Aunque su corazón se hace pedazos cuando ella anuncia que se ha enamorado de Jun-Hwan. Ka no expresa su verdadero amor hacia Cream para no ser un obstáculo en su vida.