Đorđe David Nikolić


The F#@king dog
Novi kriminalac
Usually it is us who choose the dog, but sometimes the dog chooses us. By choosing one dog, Aleksandra, Jovana and Marija come into conflict with a criminal gang led by Sergej, a ruthless dealer. Aleksandra's American ID and her fiancee's FBI pass lead the criminals to mistake this for an international operation, and since the local cops are corrupt, the three girls are left with no choice but to take matters in their own hands.
Born Tomorrow
A movie about Montenegrin mafia during 1990s, the times of rampant crime rate in the Balkans.
El lado oscuro del sol
Pevač (uncredited)
Rick (Brad Pitt) es un joven americano aquejado de una extraña enfermedad de piel que le impide exponerse a cualquier clase de luz, motivo por el que siempre debe llevar el cuerpo totalmente cubierto. Después de haber experimentado con varias curas sin haber conseguido un remedio, su padre (Guy Boyd) lo lleva a un pueblo a orillas del mar Adriático donde se encuentra un curandero que, según le han dicho, logrará sanarlo. Pero la esperada curación no llega, y Rick decide olvidar su enfermedad y disfrutar de la vida al máximo aunque ello signifique la muerte. Quiere sentir por primera vez el sol en su piel, y las sensaciones que producen las cosas al contacto con su cuerpo. Durante el corto tiempo que le separa de una muerte segura, una joven actriz americana (Cheryl Pollak) entra en su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Fever of Love
Bane and Vesna are young and happy couple. Vesna gets pregnant, but soon she was told that Bane was not faithful to her, which was a lie made by their female acquintance. Vesna's parents decide to sell their little son to a German couple. After finding out what has happened, Bane kidnaps the baby and runs away with it on his motorcycle. With the help of his loyal friends, he seeks hideout from the police.