Veljko Maričić

Nacimiento : 1907-03-23,

Muerte : 1973-10-30


Tramp or the Only and Incomparable Lenny Jacobsen
The drifter has a name - Lenny Jacobsen" - An outsider is chased to his death. The case remains uncertain, while what otherwise interests at best incidentally, the sensitivities of the victims and the perpetrators, to seemingly trivial expressions, gestures, sentences becomes the main thing.
On the Mountain of Konjuh
Njemački kapetan
An exciting story of Husine coalminers who formed a partisan batch and put up an armed resistance during WW2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
El justiciero de Kansas
Mac Hara
Un general sin escrúpulos ha asesinado al hijo del jefe comanche para sacar provecho los disturbios que se deriven entre indios y colonos. Old Surehand y Winnetou deberán convencer al jefe comanche para que abandone sus planes de guerra y averiguar quién es el verdadero criminal.
La senda de la traición
La pandilla de Rollins quiere apoderarse de la tierra incitando a los colonos en una guerra contra los indios, pero Winnetou y Old Shatterhand intentan mantener la paz, hasta que Rollins acusa a Winnetou por el asesinato del hijo de Jicarilla Chief.
El asalto de los apaches
Un despiadado hombre de negocios pretende vender unos supuestos pozos de petróleo al Western Arizona Bank. En realidad esos pozos junto al lago Shelly no existen, y además un grupo de colonos se dirige para establecerse allí. Dos hombres se darán cuenta del engaño...
Back of the Medal
A tense detective movie about Eva Ružić, an accountant in a large firm, who was sentenced to 7 years in prison for embezzlement of public property.
Thundering Mountains
A Serbian hero Mićo Ljubibratić from Herzegovina raises an uprising in eastern Herzegovina against Ottoman and he makes it clear to the Western powers, especially the Austrians, that the annexation of Herzegovina to Austria is out of the question if the newly formed Herzegovinian Assembly does not make such a decision on its own.
Scaffolding Games
Bojanin otac
While trying to remain faithful to his own life philosophy of permanent independence and denial of love, a characteristic so peculiar for his generation, Sasha refuses to admit both to himself and and to the others his love for Bojana. Everything changes when Bojana falls from scaffolding on Sasha's graduation day.
The Alphabet of Fear
Njemački pukovnik
In order to gather informations about high-ranking collaborationist official, the resistance movement sends a girl to spy on him. She uses the cover of illiterate chambermaid from the country. In the beginning nobody is suspicious, but her cover would be endangered when the official's daughter starts to teach her reading.
The Salonika Terrorists
The story of a famous group of Macedonian terrorists that opposed Ottoman repression at the beginning of 20th century.
Major Bauk
Partisans resist the terror of Italian fascists and Serbian Chetniks in the South-East of Bosnia and Herzegovina during WWII.
Blue 9
Fabris, a center-forward and the key player of the harbour town's football team, is a selfish individualist who is believed that he's irreplaceable in the first squad. He's also a womanizer who tries to seduce pretty Nena, a member of the working's committee and successful swimmer. However, she's emotionally close to Zdravko, who is, same like Fabris, a worthy center-forward himself.
Ognjen Štriga
Biography of Vatroslav Lisinski, 19th century Croatian composer and the author of the first Croatian opera.