Amy Harrison


Art Direction
OXV: El MANUAL se ha anunciado como primer romance científico-filosófico del mundo. Chico conoce a una chica en un mundo no-muy-aquí no-muy-ahora donde un simple descubrimiento ha cambiado para siempre toda la interacción humana. La película tal vez se podría describirse mejor como una combinación de 'Olvídate de mí, '(500) Días juntos' y 'Primer'.
Guerrillas In Our Midst
Guerrillas In Our Midst takes a look behind the scenes of New York's blue chip art market, and reveals how a contemporary art movement is "created." The anonymous art activists, the Guerrilla Girls, provide a witty foil to SoHo's business-as-usual, protesting the underrepresentation of women and non-white artists with satirical posters and their trademark gorilla masks.
Guerrillas In Our Midst
Guerrillas In Our Midst takes a look behind the scenes of New York's blue chip art market, and reveals how a contemporary art movement is "created." The anonymous art activists, the Guerrilla Girls, provide a witty foil to SoHo's business-as-usual, protesting the underrepresentation of women and non-white artists with satirical posters and their trademark gorilla masks.
Miss Finknagle Succumbs to Chaos