Giorgos Grigoriou

Giorgos Grigoriou


Giorgos Grigoriou


Taxidi Tou Melitos is about the fear that most elderly people experience: approaching death. Leon (Stavros Xenides) and Zaharoula (Betty Livanou) are heading out for their annual vacation at a summer resort. Instead of their usual carefree anticipation, their mood is subdued because their daughter has just married and is off on her honeymoon. Life is lonely without her and the couple cannot avoid the realization that death is not that far away for them. Once at the resort, Leon tries to overcome this nagging fear by taking a wild plunge in the ocean, naked, as he and Zaharoula are out walking on the beach. Taken up in the spirit of the moment, she joins him among the waves. The results, however, are not what they expected.
o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai
A tavern in Piraeus, Kyr Giorgis Adhesive (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) has sent his son John in Europe, where he turns educated. He marries a woman of high society, the Riris Kalantzi, elected MP. It is absorbed rapidly from the social environment of the mother-in which is told that his father is owner. Kyr Giorgis should eventually appear in the salons. Man folk as they have to go through special training to suit the new environment. Very quickly, however, the student becomes a teacher of high society and gives lessons of honesty and fairness in the pretentious and sometimes scammers bourgeois, whose grandparents were sailing folk jobber.
Ο Τρομοκράτης
police officer
Ένας Νομοταγής Πολίτης
A young man who grew up beneath the heavy shade of autocratic and avaricious mother, son Gregory, has lost initiative and the minimum footprint. The servility of his mother against his boss, which facilitates the solicitations of the latter to his sister, infuriates him. The fiancée, Soula, can not understand his sexual desires and his girlfriend, Julia, the only one that loves him really forced to abandon him. Gregory wonder with all this and rebels, but his rebellion brings him to the brink of madness. When you finally meet, forced to follow the commands of the mother and uncle ultraconservative so he marries the woman who suggest those.
Ο Τσαρλατάνος
hospital's cook
Τον Αράπη κι αν τον Πλένεις το Σαπούνι σου Χαλάς
Antonis, who is in love with Roula, must find a way to convince her brother to allow him to marry her.
Στα Δίχτυα της Αράχνης
Η προεδρίνα
Ένα κορίτσι που τα θέλει όλα
Δώστε τα χέρια
Διακοπές στο Βιετνάμ
taxi driver
Returning from a 3 year captivity in Vietnam, a kind chemist finds his wife married to his boss who has become rich due to his invention.
O agathiáris kai i atsída
Police Commander
What a Waste!
Marios was the abuser convicted. The day he is released from prison meets Danae, which he grants a villa and a luxury car with the assertion that performs the last wish of the deceased husband, for whose account was fraud.
Έμπαινε Μανωλιό
Manolios decides to quit working on a ship and return to Crete so he can marry his beloved one, Lenio.
Ώρες αγάπης, ώρες πολέμου
A Bouzouki Different from the Others
Kostas Karavedouras is the conductor of the municipal orchestra in a small town in the country, when he decides to leave for Athens to become a great classic music performer. He is staying temporarily at his cousin’s place and he spends all his spare money with his landlady’s daughter. He works in many places just because he doesn’t want to work as a bouzouki player. Finally, the owner of the club where he was working as a waiter, takes him into performing for him and Kostas ends up being what he always avoided, a bouzouki player.
The Teacher was One Hell of a Man
The teacher of a primary school in a mountainous village, arrives in Athens to force a rich businessman to keep his promise and to build a new school in the village.
Τι Κάνει Ο Άνθρωπος Για Να Ζήση
Leandros is a night club owner who is trying to avoid imprisonment by searching for money to pay the insurance contributions. Along with his debts, he has to withstand the pressures of his beloved for marriage.
Κάθε Κατεργάρης Στον Πάγκο Του
To Leventopaido
Aristos, a ship worker and singer at a popular tavern in the evening, is preparing to marry a poor girl, Maryio. One night at the shop comes the rich Elena, which hides the truth about her financial situation, he falls in love with her and separates him from Maryio. However, after an accident, the real identity of Elena is revealed, as is the fact that she is betrothed. Elena, seeing the misfortune she has scattered around her, pretends that Aristos was just an adventure for her and lets him return to Maryio.
Ησαΐα, μη Χορεύεις
Lambros has a bizarre office that does crazy jobs, because he is not a fan of the "Fake pie to eat" theory, but he also puts his hand on every time he wants to reach a happy ending in a neighborhood. But he believes that marriage is a bad thing, until the day when the female Satan, using tricks similar to his own, appears in front of him.
Ένας Άφραγκος Ωνάσης
A poor accountant, but with the enigmatic name Agisilaos Onassis (Kostas Voutsas), who dreams of a great life, suddenly learns that he only has a month left to live. He abandons everything and, with the savings he has on his side, is leaving on an island to spend this last month of his life as rich.
Ο Άνθρωπος Της Καρπαζιάς
Anestis is a nice guy but he doesn't have the courage to react when others bother him. When one of his close friends brings him some "magic" pills that give Anestis the superpowers of his dreams, everything is going to change...
Η Κόμησσα της Φάμπρικας
A beautiful young woman is arrested by a wonderful policeman, due to her effort to steal letters from a gigolo's house.
Ο Παραμυθάς
police officer
Mermaids for Love
Petros, a race car driver and son of a construction mogul, hears about an island with promising business opportunities. He tells his father, they have to buy land there but Flora, a night club owner also learns about it and arrives at the island before him. Their competition disturbs the peaceful lives of the island's residents. Marina, the daughter of the local restaurant owner falls in love with Petros while Flora charms the men of the island and especially Nicolas, causing his fiance's jealousy. She on the other hand falls for Iasonas, the son of the island's Lady who worries about the outcome of these events.
Ο τρελός τα 'χει 400
mental institution director
A wretch employee wins a lot of money in the lottery and loses his mind. When he comes out of the mental hospital, he finds out that things at his home have changed radically.
Ο Παλιάτσος
Η ζηλιάρα
Η Αγάπη Μας
An usherette in a theatre, where a distinguished and popular actor performs, gets her big break when the leading actress has an accident. The director decides to take advantage of the heretofore unexploited talent of the girl and asks her to replace the leading actress. This unexpected opportunity transforms her from a humble usherette into a shining star. Later on, she wins the heart of the leading actor with whom she was secretly in love. However, her sudden rise to theatrical-musical stardom creates complications in their love affair, as her companion sinks into disappointment and drowns himself in drink, abandoning his career. Nevertheless, the usherette/leading actress doesn't give up; She looks for him, finds him and supports him, psychologically and morally, until he makes a comeback to the stage and their love nest.
Ένας ιππότης με τσαρούχια
The Brightest Bouzouki
The Fanouris broccoli is a traveling salesman who happens to looks amazing with the famous actor George Kartali, which creates a lot of tangles.
Καπετάν Φάντης Μπαστούνι
Mr. Zafeiropoulos
Captain Andreas, a widower master learns that the planned departure postponed and the crew discovers hidden in the ship's refrigerator a girl, Marina. The company and the kind of behavior makes him take her with him to his home in Poros, which is home to the sister of Royal and two nephews. The presence of the marina there inflamed passions and causes the scheming sister, culminating when he set sail for the trip. When his ship sinks and he is considered missing, his sister declares him dead, eliminates the Marina and trying to reap his fortune with the help of their lawyer. Some time later, Andrew returns secretly finds Marina, marries her and takes her to his home, where enforce order ...
Μια Κυρία Στα Μπουζούκια
Three brothers watched as pupil their sister and only trust George, their teammate from the football club where they play. George loves her secretly but not admitting to respect the trust
Help Its Vengos Visible Agent '000'
Vengos studies in a secret agents' academy, dreaming of becoming a great spy like 007. Unfortunately, he can't do anything right, so he wreaks havoc during his final exams.
Jenny Jenny
Jenny Skoutari, a student and the daughter of a party local commander Kosmas Skoutaris, gets use to visit the private library of - her father's political rival - the shipowner Miltos Kassandris. Kassandris prepares his nephew - and a childhood friend of Jenny - Nikos Mantas, as a candidate for the next election. Mantas' rival has a lead, and is backed by Skoutaris, who is facing financial problems. So Kassandris decides to force Jenny to marry his nephew with a fake marriage, while at the same time financially breaks down her father in order to secure the election of his nephew. This marriage, however, will lead to unexpected situations between the couple..
Oh, If I Only Were a Man
Frustrated and unemployed after being sexually harassed repeatedly, Stella decides to play the role of a guy, using the identity of her twin brother (who is living in Australia) hoping to get a job. She immediately wins the trust of her new employers and soon gets promoted to manager. The troubles begin when she falls in love with her boss' son.
A Matter of Earnestness
Kostas (driver)
Minister Andreas Mavrogialouros (Labros Konstadaras) visits the village of his electoral district, Platanias for the inauguration of a maternity hospital. After an accident, he finds his voters' dissatisfaction and the scams of his partners. He, therefore, decides to step down from the government and bring order to his life, starting from his wife and his daughter.
A Crazy Family
Mika is a young woman living in a crazy ... family. Her mother, Pasta Flora, is alienated, her little sister is uncontrollable, and her father is a good, but cowardly, man. She's engaged to Mikis but the day before their wedding she goes to Venice and marries Andreas, who, after meeting her family, he undertakes to make sense of them.
Lolitas of Athens
What lies hidden in a nymphet’s soul? Lust for sex? Self-preservation? Childhood trauma? Father quest? Who can really see? A Police Officer who wants to bring Rosie back onto the right track does - but Rosie is too busy flirting with middle-aged men, destroying virtuous families and scheming her way up the social ladder, while also wallowing in seedy night clubs of the ’60ies wrestling Frida, the naked dancer hiding a rod, for Jim’s eyes only. Jim is not 100% sure which one of the two blondes he wants to kill so he might just make a serious mistake and kill Rosie. But is it really easy for a nymphet to be killed?
The Heirs
Four very different people inherit a percentage of a fashion house but in order to make it work they have to get along with each other.
Aris, Nikos Kourkoulos, is released from prison after three years, and he turns up at Troumpa, a slum area in Piraeus. His purpose is not to settle his own accounts but to find out if Lola (Tzeni Karezi), a young woman who works at Stelios’ cabaret, was among the ones who betrayed him. Aris loves and cares about Lola and wants to get her out of there, but Stelios, who is also in love with her, assigns a thug to kill Aris.
Something Hot
Mr. Athanasiou
During an International Trade Fair at Thessaloniki, a mature woman, Rena (Martha Karagianni), goes there with her sister to convince her childhood friend Dinos (Dinos Iliopoulos) to have a "white wedding" so that she can inherit a large estate. Dinos though, does not accept because even though he is actually a womanizer he acts as a shy and modest man around people. Everyone there will meet a group of musicians and one of them will fall in love with the daughter of the strict manager of the company Dinos works for who is accompanied by Dinos. At some point, everyone goes to Athens where things get more complicated untill everyone finds his perfect match. In the end Rena gets her inheritance and all together they perform a musical play in a grand theater.
Παλικαράκια της Παντρειάς
To Tyhero Pantaloni
Laundry Owner
A police officer arrests pitiable Thanasis, who admits to having stolen the trousers of a happy man in the hope of becoming happy himself, after being advised to do so by a Gypsy. He confesses that, in order to marry his girlfriend, he asked to borrow a pair of trousers, but no one would lend them to him, so he went ahead and stole a pair of trousers, but no one was willing to lend him. So he decided to steal one. The policeman assists him and finds the trouser holder and also works for Thanasis. So the latter can now marry his girlfriend and make a family.
Merikoi to Protimoun Kryo...
Lakis (Dinos Iliopoulos) has to make sure that his three sisters are married before he can marry his beloved Lela (Martha Karagianni). While at the beach, Eva (Zoe Laskari) and Maria (Hloi Liaskou) will meet Kleopas (Costas Voutsas) and Giorgos (Vagelis Voulgaridis) with whom they will start dating. But Rena (Rena Vlahopoulou) has a secret relationship with Thodoros (Giannis Vogiatzis) for 10 years.
Runaway Bride
In her delicate bridal gown and bent on finding her beloved, a determined would-be wife flees from a dreadful marriage of convenience and enlists the help of a kind wandering salesman. Can anyone stand in the way of a woman in love?
Koutroulis` Wedding
A tailor mistakenly considered an ambassador of a foreign country, which exploits the future father in law to present him as a groom on frivolous daughter.
O thymios tahei 400
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