Manolis Makridakis


The House with the Pomegranates
Our coincidental meeting with the writer’s granddaughter sparked our interest in a cardboard box. Inside it there was a treasure of old letters, newspaper clippings, personal documents, and half a dozen canisters of super 8mm film. Fifty years after his passing, his granddaughter Christina shares with us Stratis Myrivilis’s poetic inner world.
Kristos, The Last Child
Of the thirty inhabitants of Arki, a windswept island in Greece’ Dodecanese, Kristos is the last remaining child and the only student of the small elementary school. To finish compulsory education, he needs to leave Arki and move to a larger island. However, his family cannot afford this and his father wants him to become a shepherd like his older brothers. The child’s teacher, Maria, cannot accept this situation and is determined to find a solution to further his education. Will Kristos stay on the island or will he leave Arki to continue his education on the other side of the sea?
La revolución del VHS
Sound Engineer
¿Quién no recuerda las míticas cintas de Jane Fonda haciendo aeróbic en los 80? Las nuevas generaciones no conocerán la existencia de los videoclubs, pero la estética VHS pervive a día de hoy. Esta es la historia del VHS. La aparición de las cintas VHS, videograbadoras y videocámaras revolucionó la forma de ver y producir cine en los años 80. Fueron los cinéfilos aficionados los primeros en intercambiar y distribuir películas grabadas. Toda una generación se volcó en vivir el amor por el cine en sus casas, cómo y cuándo quisieran. Las videograbadoras dejaron de producirse en 2016, pero numerosos videoclips, videojuegos y películas siguen emulando a día de hoy la pasión por la estética VHS. Este homenaje cuenta la historia de la mítica cinta que marcó tantas infancias, con toda clase de contenidos y rarezas.
The Adventure
Sound Recordist
In 2011, as tens of thousands of migrants, Loss, and Madess Moussa arrived in Europe via Turkey. Required by EU law to remain in Greece, they only want one thing : to leave. Therefore earn the money needed to start is an obsession and all means are good. The film "The Adventure" follows the lives of these three Ivorians to Athens - their sense of enclosure, strategies to find money, failover illegally, attempts to start - and explores what is at stake, individually and collectively during migration: relations to other migrant communities, friendship, betrayal, solidarity, mafias and violence.