During a raid, a cop lets a pretty speakeasy employee escape and later begins dating her. Although she loves him, his salary and dull life leave her wanting.
Major McDougal
One dark foggy London night, someone tries to strangle Lord Montague, but he escapes. Only to discover the four other men who did get killed were old regimental comrades in Gallipoli. When Scotland Yard gets Monty to gather the other nine surviving officers at his home, one of them is murdered, and no one else has entered the house. Now, they must determine who the murderer is.
Raymond Thomas
Lightin' Bill Jones y su mujer son dueños de un modesto hotel en la frontera que separa Nevada de California. Bill es un viejo bebedor aficionado a contar historias. Un par de estafadores tratan de robar su tierra a los Jones. La decidida intervención de la hija de ellos y de su novio impedirá que lo consigan.
John Templeton Arnold
Peter kidnaps Patricia to prevent her from marrying the wrong man.
Silent film drama...
Kenneth Winthrop (as Richard C. Travers)
When a wealthy man is found murdered in his bedroom, one of his two adopted sons is arrested and charged with the killing. However, the verdict at his trial is an acquittal. Since the police don't seem to be particularly interested in finding the real killer, the dead man's daughter-in-law--the wife of the adopted son who wasn't charged--takes it upon herself to solve the crime.
Richard Travers (uncredited)
Mary's kid brother needs an operation and, in order to pay for it, Mary goes to a Hollywood studio and applies for a job as an actress. Mary is given a job as a waitress in the commissary, and gets to meet 40 actors, actresses and directors, none of whom tip big enough to enable Mary to earn enough money to pay for an operation. Will Mary become an actress and make some big money?
The Adventurer / The Pug
Desperate because a wealthy man has reduced her father to thievery, Rhoda agrees to rob the poor box of the church, although she finds the act abhorrent.
Stuart Northcote / Jack Burton
Stuart Northcote, a London adventurer, slays the president of a mythical South American republic, and establishes himself at its head. Mercia Solano, daughter of the slain official, leads a conspiracy to avenge her father's death by killing Northcote. The adventurer escapes to London, however, after looting the republic's treasure chest. He is pursued by Mercia and a band. The adventurer, perceiving his deadly peril, employs Jack Burton, an impoverished young Englishman, to act as his double. The girl shoots at the double, and other fiendish plots are carried out to kill him. Burton frustrates them all.
Duke de Longtour
The Duke de Longtour, a European nobleman, with impoverished estates, comes to America and wins the hand of Stephana Martin, an American heiress, defeating Marquis Ferdinand, an adventurer and his rival.
Bob Halran
Bob Halran, while riding in his machine, is struck by a small slipper which is thrown from a passing limousine. He suspects that the owner is in trouble, so speeds up, and by using a wrench as a revolver, forces the driver to stop. He then helps the girl into his car and they speed back to the city.
A young woman is used as a pawn to entice Count Jean de Lugnan into a game of ruritanian political intrigue.
Captain Fetherstone
Jim Melcher, a swindler and a rogue, induces Rhoda, a society girl, to marry him. She later discovers his dishonest methods, but her sense of loyalty is so great that she stands by him. He is planning to pull off the biggest robbery of his career and insists that she assist him.
Mr. Clymer
Mrs. Clymer has great social aspirations, and every time she gave a party her husband was in the habit of going to the Hash House for his sinkers and coffee. One night she panned him to a whisper for not showing up at one of her shindigs, so he promised to be on hand for the next one. Sometime later Mrs. Clymer railed the hens one afternoon for a musical. Hubby happened home early, so nothing would do but he must get gussied up and entertain the ladies. There was one young grass widow present who looked mighty good to hubby. His wife had told him to pay some attention to her lady friends, so he extended himself. Before sending the widow home he got her address and told her he kind of wished he was single. Mrs. Clymer got his number and forbade him to ever show up at another one of her parties.
Margery Trent, a beautiful girl, is trying to get possession of certain papers which will prove her identity. These papers are held by her uncle. She is in the act of entering the home of her uncle with a skeleton key, When Thomas Rockwell, alias "Tommyrot." a young author, happens along and helps her. They are caught in the house.
Ned Hallman
While dining in a café with his sweetheart, Ned Hallman nearly swallows a huge diamond which is in his glass of water. He is arrested when he takes it to an appraiser, and is taken to the home of Count LeFebre, who has reported the theft of the diamond and valuable papers.
Richard Freely - District Attorney
John Harms, a corporation magnate, has two motherless sons, Bobby and Sam. Bobby is a cute little youngster of six, and Sam is of age and spends his father's money with recklessness. Richard Freely, an arch-enemy of Harms', is continually trying to dissolve the corporation, and not until Newton, a half-brother to Freely, has forged some checks on a good friend of Harms', does the financier secure a wedge with which to ruin Freely. Harms threatens to expose his enemy for defending Newton, and Freely is saved from bodily injury by Bobby, who has come to ask his father for candy. Meantime Sam has forged his father's name to a check and handed it to Newton in payment of gambling debts. Harms is about to sacrifice his son to down Freely, when the little "Buffer' again bursts in and drags Sam away to play horse.
Captain Fane
Captain Fane, an English army officer stationed at Cairo, is in love with Lady Fiennis, who is treated most cruelly by her husband. Fane returns to England when he finds that she refuses to leave him. Five years later Fane's sister summons him to tell him that her son Frankie, who is only twenty-two years old, has decided to marry a widow many years his senior.
Spider - the Reporter
A necklace belonging to Mrs. Stuyvesant is stolen from Lawyer Smirney's office. It was smuggled in from China years before. Chief Knox is notified and believes Smirney guilty when he finds a diagram in his pocket, and following it, finds a necklace. Ho Fing-Tang, a Chinaman, studying law in the office, is not suspected by Knox, but Spider, a newspaper reporter, believes differently. Ho Fing-Tang is injured and in a delirium keeps repeating "Huns 764." Spider goes to the office and from a book called "Hun's 129 Reports," he extracts the real necklace. The stones Knox found prove to be paste.
Dick Fellows
Dick Fellows is jilted by his sweetheart and is left with a beautifully furnished little apartment. He locks up the flat and moves to a hotel. Months pass and a mysterious girl in the hotel interests him. She is alone and evidently has some great sorrow. Discovering that she is unable to pay her bill, Dick is more interested than ever. One night fire sweeps the hotel. Dick risks his life to rescue her, and learns that she has been deserted by the man she came to marry. Amidst the roar of the flames their sorrows are united in a bond of common love, and they are saved from death only after a terrific struggle several stories above the street.
John Mason
A poor orphan's dream of luxuries and a mother's love, which eventually becomes a reality
Samuel Jenkins, a Rural Lawyer
Bessie Morris, a daughter of the rich, has grown tired of the lazy life which she is forced to live and longs to get out in the world and do some good. Her father, who believes in letting his daughter think and decide for herself, suggests that she pay a visit to his old nurse, Widow Hobbs. She is delighted at this suggestion and leaves for the village the following day. Here she meets Samuel Jenkins, a rural lawyer, who pays her great attention. Their friendship finally grows into love and she promises to marry him as soon as he is able to support her. Shortly after she goes back to the city, not revealing to him her wealth or social standing.
Bessie Morris, a daughter of the rich, has grown tired of the lazy life which she is forced to live and longs to get out in the world and do some good. Her father, who believes in letting his daughter think and decide for herself, suggests that she pay a visit to his old nurse, Widow Hobbs. She is delighted at this suggestion and leaves for the village the following day. Here she meets Samuel Jenkins, a rural lawyer, who pays her great attention. Their friendship finally grows into love and she promises to marry him as soon as he is able to support her. Shortly after she goes back to the city, not revealing to him her wealth or social standing.
The man meets and falls in love with a girl much younger than himself, and decides to cast off the woman with whom he had had a love affair. He goes to his old sweetheart and asks her to return his love letters. She does so on condition that he tell the new girl of their affair. He does not live up to his promise, but tells her that she is the first girl he has ever loved. In the meantime, he has lost his letters, and the new sweetheart, upon finding them, returns them to the owner. From this source she is advised to have nothing more to do with him unless she is convinced in her own mind that he is kneeling to her in spirit at all times.
The man meets and falls in love with a girl much younger than himself, and decides to cast off the woman with whom he had had a love affair. He goes to his old sweetheart and asks her to return his love letters. She does so on condition that he tell the new girl of their affair. He does not live up to his promise, but tells her that she is the first girl he has ever loved. In the meantime, he has lost his letters, and the new sweetheart, upon finding them, returns them to the owner. From this source she is advised to have nothing more to do with him unless she is convinced in her own mind that he is kneeling to her in spirit at all times.
Clara's Conquest
Clara was no longer a Spring Chicken, and when she passed the Thirty Mark, she began to worry for fear that she could never Rope In a Bread Earner, so she got busy. There was one chap in particular who looked awfully good to her, but the younger girls were hot on his trail, and did their utmost to keep Clara out of his way. Finally Clara got rid of her competitors in the Man Hunt when they all went to a summer resort. She was surrounded by Suitors, and Mr. Gibbs was very much in evidence. The afternoons that followed were a repetition of the first day, while the girls up at the lake were making a fuss over some little Freshman.
Greg Hamilton
Greg Hamilton, a young artist, decides to go east and try his fortune. He finds his work unappreciated, and is unable to earn a living. One day while strolling in the park with his wife, Helen, he saves a little girl's life by stopping her runaway horse, but breaks his finger in doing so. He is then unable to paint, and is forced to take a position in a factory, but tells his wife that he is writing stories for a magazine. A few days later, Helen tells him she has accepted a position as governess. Things go on nicely, but one day they discover they are both employed in the same factory but in different departments.
William Sandford
Ethel Vandiver and her friend, Marie Le Farve, arrive at the former's country home. Ethel's father objects to her seeing Douglas, whom he thinks is a sweetheart. But, unknown to her parent, Ethel has married Douglas a year before. The day on which she arrives she receives a letter from her husband stating that he would rather see her dead than be separated from her any longer. A few hours later Marie is found dead in Ethel's room.
Huxley's Grandson
Great-grandfather Huxley, an old soldier, is neglected by his grandson and wife. He feels he is in the way and seriously contemplates suicide. One night while the grandson's wife is giving a party, the house catches fire and the old man rescues their children from the burning building.
James Ward
James Ward, a prosperous young lawyer, falls in love with a pretty girl he sees passing in a limousine. Later, he meets her quite accidentally and is surprised when she enlists his aid in securing a letter for her from the home of a wealthy broker, that necessitates his burglarizing the place at midnight.
The Husband
Celia had been married only a few months. Her husband received a small salary, and Celia could not understand why it was she did not have the pretty things her friends had. One day, while on a shopping tour with her chum, Rose, she is persuaded to buy two beautiful statuettes. The price was a little more than she could afford, but she thought she could pay her chum for them, thereby not creating the suspicions of her husband. Her conscience gets the better of her, however, and she confesses all to him. They quarrel.
Mr. Dixon - the Husband
Mrs. Dixon had an ungovernable temper which finally brought about a separation between her and her husband. She moved to other parts, taking her child with her. In the years that passed, he longed for the companionship of his wife and finally seeks pleasure in the company of one of the factory girls.
Pierre Vignault
Pierre, a trapper in the great northwest, catches a season's prize, a silver fox. Rene Bennett is fortunate in catching the mate. The two men are explaining to a trader, when Pierre discovers that his silver fox has disappeared from his sled. The trapper accuses Bennett and the latter is shot. Pierre flees and is seen later in the home of Mrs. Bennett, where she secretes him from the Northwest Mounted Police. Pierre later saves Mrs. Bennett from death, by carrying her to town, where he faces the man he had shot, her husband. The climax comes when a half-breed tries to sell Pierre's prize.
Ralph Murray
Ralph Murray and his wife are devoted to each other, yet they have their usual lovers' quarrels. One afternoon, Murray calls to see a friend, Jack Carson by name, who insists that Murray take his wife to luncheon. It so happens that Mrs. Murray sees her husband with "the other woman." The gossips spread the news fast, which develops into a suicide and a death by a broken heart. Speak no evil and the world is a song; speak thou evil and the world goes wrong.
Gladys Norton, a sweet little country girl, receives a letter from her sweetheart, saying that after four years of study in the city, he is coming back. Gladys is overjoyed. Theresa, Gladys' cousin, desiring to spend a few quiet weeks in the country, pays the Nortons a surprise visit and arrives on the same train with Irwin.
Gladys Norton, a sweet little country girl, receives a letter from her sweetheart, saying that after four years of study in the city, he is coming back. Gladys is overjoyed. Theresa, Gladys' cousin, desiring to spend a few quiet weeks in the country, pays the Nortons a surprise visit and arrives on the same train with Irwin.
Bess abhors the sinfulness of her brothers, who are crooks of the worst kind, so one day, while they are planning some villainy, she takes some money which one of the brothers had placed on the table, leaves the house and disappears as if the earth had engulfed her. Bess goes to a distant part of the city, and rents a furnished room from a kindly-faced old lady, resolved to start life anew in a different environment. She secures employment in a large shirt factory and by diligent attention to work, becomes forelady and assistant to Williams, the owner of the factory. Jack, the weakling, completely worn out by the life he has led, is in the last stages of tuberculosis, when he accidentally meets Bess, and through helping him, her other brother, Frank, finds out where she is employed, and going to Williams, her employer, plays the "worried brother" part and tells him how Bess took the money and ran away from home.
Richard Travers - a Wealthy Clubman
Richard Travers, a wealthy clubman, becomes attached to a newsboy street waif, and takes him home to live with him. Anna, Travers' fiancée, thinking he is bestowing his attentions upon someone else, sends him a note returning his ring and telling him that his affections are being given to another party.
John Braddon Jr.
Irene Dupont, the pretty little French girl, in which John Braddon, Sr. had placed his affections, tires him and he casts her aside. Thorwald, a member in a political gang of "highbinders," unable to influence John Braddon, arranges with Irene to wreak vengeance upon his head, by making love to John Braddon, Jr.
George Watson
Detective William Burke is assigned to capture George Watson, an escaped criminal. Six years of sleuthing discovers nothing, and Burke reports to the chief that he is unable to capture the fugitive from justice. During the six years Watson has prospered, and with his wife and family settles in a quiet dignified neighborhood.
Ralph Fenton
Kathleen Clifford, a wealthy widow, is undecided whom to marry. Ralph Fenton, a man of her own age, or George Rosslyn, a youth in his twenties.
Olga, a writer, at a loss to bring her book to a fitting climax, goes for celestial inspiration into church, where she kneels and listens to the wonderful music of Gustave, the organist. She meets him as he leaves the church, and they are instinctively drawn to each other.
The Son
It was mother who through false love had sinned. Years later on her deathbed, as the last sacraments were administered, she confesses the folly of her youth. Her husband, a straightforward, conscientious man, had loved the boy as his own. A few days later the priest gives the son a note his mother had left him. The few lines on the first page sting him to the heart, but he does not weaken and his conscience tells him not to turn the leaf of his absolute disaster.
Mr. Cupid falls asleep on the job, and hijinks ensue.