Ana Dávila


Karla, Rosalie und das Loch in der Wand
Casting Director
The engineer Rosalie leads a life without standing still. She doesn't feel old for a long time, only mature. When Rosalie returns to Germany after a fainting spell at a solar project in Africa, it's just supposed to be a breather. When she shows up at her bourgeois sister Margret's with a huge container, she is not very enthusiastic about the surprise visit. The retired teacher sees right through that Rosalie isn't staying with her voluntarily. The well-travelled woman is broke! It seems like a miracle that there are a huge chunk of banknotes in a hole in the wall of the room. On the other side of the wall there is the room of the highly talented high school graduate Karla, who rents a part of Margret's house with her father Harald. After a failed first meeting, Rosalie befriends with the wheelchair-bound teenager and sets her mind on getting Karla out of her sheltered isolation, even against her will.
Dos miembros de la tripulación de una nave espacial, el Teniente Payton (Dennis Quaid) y el Cabo Bower (Ben Foster), se despiertan en sus cámaras de hibernación sin recordar nada de lo que ha sucedido: ni quiénes son, ni cuál era su misión o por qué, aparentemente, son los únicos supervivientes. Conforme se adentren en las zonas más profundas de la nave, descubrirán que no están solos, y desvelarán el terrible misterio que rodea la desaparición del resto de la tripulación y de los pasajeros. Pronto se darán cuenta de que mantenerse con vida es mucho más importante de lo que puedan imaginarse: es el único modo de evitar la extinción de la raza humana.