Thomas Schmitt


Thomas Schmitt


La chica del 14 de julio
Hector se cruza con Truquette en el Louvre el 14 de julio y, desde entonces, no piensa más que en ligarla. Lo mejor sería llevarla a ver el mar. Pator piensa lo mismo, sobre todo si les acompaña su amiga Charlotte... Cortejados por el inevitable Bertier, allá van por las pequeñas carreteras de Francia, país donde nadie tiene ya ni un céntimo. Estamos en plena crisis. Hay que lograr que los franceses vuelvan a trabajar. Para ello, el gobierno decide adelantar un mes la vuelta de las vacaciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Les secrets de l'invisible
In a Paris in full economic slump, Jojo and Eugène have one after the other loving failures. And if all this was connected ? Our two infiltrated agents thus begin a investigation on young girls. We discover that the young girls are not always young and sometimes not even a girl.
Paris monopole
Sabrinette, vitim of the crisis, looks for a flat. Not easy to find when we are a temporary worker, young, with untidy hair, or too much this, or not enough that. An injustice made for one is a threat made for all. When we look with the plan of Monopoly, we necessarily hope to fall on the lucky square.
French Kiss
"Deep shit : listen in life chance only comes once, unless you’re lucky : then it can come twice. But for you it will only come once. So, you must chat to Kate the Amercain, where is she ?"
Changement de trottoir
No tan lejos de Andrómeda
After a long period ofexile, Félix and Magui return to their country. Magui's fathers take them to one of the houses of the family. Félix resistance to adapt himself to the social reality of the country and the presence of "aliens" on the region start to trouble the chief of the family.
No tan lejos de Andrómeda
After a long period ofexile, Félix and Magui return to their country. Magui's fathers take them to one of the houses of the family. Félix resistance to adapt himself to the social reality of the country and the presence of "aliens" on the region start to trouble the chief of the family.