Reporter (uncredited)
Un magnate norteamericano se prenda de una joven italiana cuando compra un hotel en Roma. Para casarse, ha de casar previamente a sus tres hermanas mayores.
Bill (uncredited)
Trata de Kay Hilliard (June Allyson), una antigua cantante de cabaret que descubre que su marido Steven (Leslie Nielsen) tiene un asunto con Crystal Allen (Joan Collins). Kay es la última en enterarse del grupo de novias. Kay viaja a Reno para divorciarse de Steve, que se casa con Crystal. Cuando Kay se entera de que Crystal no está siendo sincera con Steve, inicia una lucha para recuperar a su marido
Observer at Accident Scene (uncredited)
Remake del film "High Sierra" de Raoul Walsh. Un hombre que acaba de salir de la cárcel planea un gran golpe que le permitiría retirarse para siempre del mundo de la delincuencia. Sin embargo, no había contado con ciertas circunstancias que dificultarán su proyecto.
Mr. Warden (uncredited)
Rowdy young girl crashes high society when wealthy older man falls for her.
George - Chauffeur (uncredited)
El estricto capitán Queeg (Bogart), un hombre aquejado de agotamiento nervioso y fobias neuróticas, asume el mando del Caine, un dragaminas norteamericano cuya tripulación carece de disciplina. En contra de la opinión de los demás oficiales, introduce cambios y toma medidas tan arbitrarias que la tripulación empieza a considerarlo un neurótico peligroso. Durante una tempestad, Queeg pierde el control de la nave; entonces, el segundo oficial lo obliga a dejar el mando y lo releva. Este incidente dará lugar a un consejo de guerra.
A group of communist spies plan to blow up an essential commercial artery, the Panama Canal. To this end, they have kidnapped a nuclear scientist and are traveling by steamship to the coast of South America. Luckily for western civilization, the hard-nosed ship's captain, played by Barton MacLane, has other ideas.
Executive (uncredited)
Un hombre que ha conseguido dejar el vicio de la bebida gracias a las reuniones de Alcohólicos Anónimos, se enamora de una actriz que se niega a admitir que se está convirtiendo en una borracha. Dadas las circunstancias, él empieza a dudar si quiere realmente romper su matrimonio por ella.
Man (uncredited)
Jim Wilson es un policía violento, amargado por la contemplación diaria del mundo del crimen. Su carácter hosco y sus métodos expeditivos para capturar sospechosos le crean constantes conflictos con colegas y superiores. Finalmente, para alejarlo de la ciudad durante un tiempo, le encomiendan un caso de asesinato en una lejana región montañosa. Una vez allí, su personalidad dará un giro imprevisto, debido, por una parte, a su relación con el padre de la víctima, un hombre sediento de venganza, y, por otra, con Mary Malden, la hermana del asesino, una joven sensible, capaz de comprender el temperamento y la soledad de Wilson.
Harris (uncredited)
El Sindicato del Crimen controla la ciudad. Su jefe es alguien cuya identidad se desconoce y a quien llaman "el Anciano". La corrupción se ha adueñado de las instituciones e incluso de las fuerzas del orden. Thomas McQuigg, un honrado capitán de policía, ha sido trasladado por sus superiores a una comisaría de barrio para mantenerlo al margen. Pero él no se rinde: con la ayuda de Johnson, un policía tan íntegro y valiente como él, emprende una implacable cruzada contra uno de los gánsteres más influyentes de la ciudad.
FBI Agent McIntyre (uncredited)
En plena Guerra Fría, unos terroristas comunistas se han infiltrado en los Estados Unidos. Se han instalado en un pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra y desde allí intentan un ataque bacteriológico para apoderarse del país.
Assistant Deputy (uncredited)
A lawyer uncovers secrets behind a 12-year-old murder case.
Photographer (Uncredited)
Christabel Caine (Joan Fontaine), una joven de apariencia dulce e ingenua, le gusta a todo el mundo, a su prima Donna Foster (Joan Leslie), a Curtis Carey, el acaudalado prometido de ésta, y a los amigos de la pareja. Sólo el escritor Nick Bradley (Robert Ryan) se da cuenta de que bajo esa apariencia angelical se esconde una mujer ambiciosa, fría y calculadora que está dispuesta a poner en práctica toda clase de argucias con tal de conseguir sus propósitos.
Bible Salesman (uncredited)
Dos agentes de policía son encargados de desbaratar una organización de timadores. Los incautos son atraídos ante la posibilidad de ponerse en contacto con seres queridos ya fallecidos. Un experto timador reúne a una banda ante una víctima ideal: una viuda millonaria cuyo hijo murió en la guerra en Europa.
Bill Harper
Abilene gunmen are bent on terrorizing the town of Blue Valley and massacring its inhabitants. They have been hired by local druggist Henry Turner, who has discovered gold beneath the town and wishes complete possession.
A cop-turned-bail bondsman gets involved in a murder investigation.
Thomas Dekker is a diamond cutter attempting to reclaim his right to a portion of a rubber empire in the early part of the twentieth century. Tom travels to Brazil to uncover the fate of his father and along the way meets Teresa, a local girl who offers to be his guide in the jungle. Eventually, they encounter three armed men who take them to Lobato, a bandit who knew his father. Once convinced that Tom is his friend's son, Lobato tells him a lengthy story which culminates with his meeting Tom's father, who rescued him from drowning. With the help of "flashbacks" from an obscure South American feature, Tom learns what really became of his father.
Major Hargrove (uncredited)
Frankie Foster and Stanley Benson are a pair of small-potatoes performers. Both try to make it to the big-time after winning an amateur talent contest. Though this leads them to a few professional gigs, something is missing from their act and they are not popular. Believing a little cash will boost their career, Frankie heads for Washington, D.C. to see if her wealthy father will help them. En route Frankie is mistaken for the wife of the well-known pilot Johnny Pearson and ends up in his suite having to pretend she is his spouse. When the pilot meets her, romantic sparks fly.
Drunk (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), todos los hombres útiles fueron reclutados por el ejército para ir al frente. Mientras que en las fábricas se hacían turnos de veinticuatro horas, los adolescentes pululaban a sus anchas por las calles trapicheando sin temor a reprimendas. Un soldado herido, que regresa a casa, decide abrir un centro de acogida para enseñar a los chicos a encauzar sus vidas y ofrecerles la oportunidad de conseguir su primer trabajo.
Frank Danielson (Mechanic)
Durante el viaje que les lleva de camino a la fábrica de aviones de guerra, cinco trabajadores recuerdan como era su vida antes del conflicto de la II Guerra Mundial.
McGraw- photographer (uncredited)
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Moe Finkelstein es un policía judío de Brooklyn asignado para proteger el cónsul nazi Karl Baumer en Nueva York, antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Baumer no es sólo un violento antisemita, pero es también un sinvergüenza, que desvía fondos del consulado alemán para un uso propio. Su perfidia es conocida por su mujer Sophie, que se casó con Baumer sólo para salvar a su familia de los campos de concentración, y por el asistente de Baumer, el Barón de Alvenstor. Por lo tanto, cuando Baumer es encontrado muerto, Sophie y el Barón son los primeros sospechosos del crimen.
Wilbur Minafer (uncredited)
A finales del siglo XIX, la mansión Amberson es la más fastuosa de Indianápolis. Cuando su dueña, la bellísima Isabel, es humillada públicamente, aunque de forma involuntaria por su pretendiente Eugene Morgan, lo abandona y se casa con el torpe Wilbur Minafer. Su único hijo, George, crecerá demasiado consentido y malcriado. Años más tarde, Eugene regresa a la ciudad con su hija Lucy, de quien se enamora el engreído George.
A girl tries to pay the mortgage on a Nob Hill home and gets involved in selling her father's art treasures.
Berle plays a mystery writer who forever writes himself into corners and is never able to finish a story. While visiting his wife (Mary Beth Hughes) at the office where she works, Berle overhears several men discussing the suicide of a coworker. Struck with a brilliant notion, Berle decides to confess to the murder of the dead man, certain that he'll be able to wriggle out of the situation and thereby have plenty of material for a story.
Ship's Purser
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Tommy Briggs
Hollywood stuntman falls in love with a big name actress but still wants to pursue his risky career. The women gives him a choice-the stunts or her. He chooses the stunts and still manages to get her.
Attorney (uncredited)
Aided by musicians at the Grand Ole Opry, a small-town mayor in the Ozarks takes on a group of crooked politicians.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Jenny Swanson, a waitress on a college campus, is dying to visit Paris. Thanks to English professor Ronald Brooke, she manages to make her dream come true. Besides seeing the sights in the French capital she makes friends with a wealthy family there, the Brands.
Brett Langhorne
In the midst of the Civil War, Lassiter has a plan to get control of California. Working out of St. Joseph, he plans to send forged messages to the troops on the west coast via Pony Express. First he attempts to bribe Pony Express ride Roy Rogers. When Roy refuses he turns to the outlaw Johnson and his gang and this leads to trouble.
Paul Waring
The younger brother of an officer in a secret government code-breaking unit gets involved with a gang of spies and a beautiful double agent.
A man who wants to join the circus against the wishes of his ex-circus clown father.
Henry Ames
A young bank employee is sent to South America to bring some valuable bonds to a client there. Unfortunately for him, he tends to drink a bit too much and winds up getting involved with a gang that's planning on stealing the bonds to start a revolution.
Jim Collins
A man is convicted of killing his boss, whom he suspected of having an affair with his wife. On board the train taking him to prison for his execution are a reporter, who is dying of lung cancer and wants to interview the condemned man--and who also has some inside knowledge of the circumstances of the man's case. Also aboard is the prisoner's wife, who doesn't believe her husband is a killer and desperately wants to talk to him about it but he refuses to speak to her.
Ted Rendon
A singer on a gambling ship is married to a wealthy playboy. When he is found murdered, all evidence points to her as the culprit, and she is put on trial for the crime.
Richard Hamilton
A lover selflessly steps aside to let her guy go so he can hook up with a rich dame. Sadly, the goodie good girl ends up marrying some scum bag gambler. When the scum bag is shot and killed, the little goodie good is the prime suspect. Can her old beau come to the rescue and save her from the death penalty? Hell, its the least he can do, or is he a scum bag too!
Steve Connors
A freelance stenographer is hired for a job, but when she arrives at the address she was given, she finds that a murder has taken place there--and she is arrested for it.
Gordon Cass
Prohibition is ending so bootlegger Bugs Ahearn decides to crack California society. He leases a house from down-on-her-luck Ruth and hires her as social secretary. He rescues Polly Cass from a horsefall and goes home to meet her dad who sells him some phony stock certificates. When he learns about this he sends to Chicago for mob help.
Prophetic tale of a mother in 1940 trying to keep her son out of war.
Larry Bennett
The teenage daughter of a puritanical Reverend promises him she will not marry until she is older, but after a night of heavy drinking she wakes up to find she has a husband.
Un editor de éxito se da cuenta que al seleccionar a la que iba a ser su mujer se confundió. Ya antes de su matrimonio sostenía una relación sentimental con una mujer muy independiente, sin embargo, en el momento de casarse se decidió por otra más usual, y se arrepiente de su resolución.
Eddie Smith
Mientras Laurel y Hardy luchan en el frente durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), un buen amigo suyo resulta gravemente herido y, antes de morir, les pide que busquen a su hija y la lleven a casa de sus abuelos; pero la misión resultará más difícil de lo previsto. En su segundo largometraje, Laurel y Hardy se propusieron suavizar con unas pinceladas de humor un asunto tan serio como la guerra.
Fred Field
Opportunistic film seeking to capitalize on a scandal in New York mayor Jimmy Walker's office before his name was out of the newspapers. Tracy plays a mayor who has a penchant for the night life, sports, the theater, and an actress, Knapp. When scandal rocks his administration, Tracy has his girl friend marry Dillaway, a writer friend, so that the press will leave him alone.
Paul Wallace
A lawyer is haunted by a previous case in which he manipulated evidence and convicted an innocent man.
Jane (Joan Bennett), una muchacha pobre de Missouri, hija del ferroviario Miller (Douglas Cosgrove), quiere salir del infierno de Missouri y vivir entre riquezas y glamour. William (Spencer Tracy) está enamorado de ella, pero es un amor que no atrae a la codiciosa Jane. Como William quiere lo mejor para ella, le anima a entrar en un concurso de belleza. Jane gana el concurso y también el amor del millonario Roger Norton (James Kirkwood) con el que se va a su castillo, en Francia. Lamentablemente, Roger es un hombre terriblemente posesivo y una noche, en un ataque de locura intenta agredirla. Por suerte, él resbala y termina muerto. Jane regresa junto al hombre que realmente le ha amado.
Una chica rica de la alta sociedad neoyorkina con fama de aburrida se da cuenta de que se es mucho más popular entre los hombres cuando se pretende ser una chica "mala". De viaje en París conoce a Guy, un joven americano arruinado que le ayudará a inventarse esa "mala" fama para llamar la atención de la sociedad en la que se mueve y en particular la de su amado Donnie.
David Wells
Defense Atorney Gerald Waring uses great skill and ingenuity in his efforts to save the life of a young man charged with the murder of his father. Witness after witness piles up damaging evidence against the accused youth, but expert cross-examination by Waring digs out the startling truth behind the killing and subsequently reveals the identity of the real killer in a surprise-twist ending.
Dick Webster
A wealthy ex-bootlegger comes to the rescue of a formerly rich society girl after her gold-digging fiancé leaves her stranded when he finds out she's broke. The bootlegger proposes a deal: he will settle her debts if she teaches him how to be "a gentleman".
Michael Schuyler
Stew Smith (Robert Williams) es un singular periodista que se caracteriza por su notable lucidez y sarcasmo. Absolutamente abstraído en su trabajo, es enviado por su jefe a la mansión de los Schuyler para ratificar cierta historia relacionada con Michael (Don Dillaway), el hijo de la familia, que ha tenido que pagar para desembarazarse de una desaprensiva amante, aunque ésta pretende chantajearlo con unas cartas de amor.
Gerry Gaige
La historia de un hombre que desea construir rascacielos. Al morir su madre, entra a trabajar en una constructora cuyo propietario es su verdadero padre. Tras muchas vicisitudes, llegará a saber la verdad y se reconciliará con él.
Billy Morehouse
Lemuel Morehouse, the owner of a profitable meatpacking company in Chicago, bemoans the fact that neither of his two sons have the time nor inclination to eat with him. Billy is obsessed with culture, while Tom is a physical fitness nut. At the office, Lemuel is exasperated when Billy arrives for work at four in the afternoon and cannot stay because of a party he is giving that night to unveil a statue he bought for $20,000. Lemuel then finds Tom meeting with his golf committee rather than working. When the boys argue that business is only a means to an end, and that happiness and enjoyment of life are desired goals, Lemuel counters their contentions by declaring that what they really need are wives and tells them that Dorothy and Rose Gregson, the daughters of an old friend, will soon be visiting.
Tap Johnson
Andrews, Watson y Johnson luchan en la I Guerra Mundial con la R.A.F. (Royal Air Force) en Francia. Cuando Watson muere en combate, Andrews trata de devolver las cartas que Watson recibió de una chica llamada "Pom-Pom". Hay dos posibilidades: o es la viuda de Watson, o es una espía alemana.
Dick Cameron
Mins es la propietaria de un hotel costero donde vive Bill, el capitán de un barco costero. También vive y trabaja en el hotel Nancy, una joven que Min recogió años atrás cuando era una niña abandonada. (FILMAFFINITY)