Rejhan Demirdžić

Nacimiento : 1927-01-02, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Yugoslavia

Muerte : 1988-08-22


Atentado: El día que cambio el mundo
La película recrea los hechos históricos que precedieron al asesinato político del archiduque Francisco Fernando, único heredero del Imperio Austrohúngaro, y su esposa, Sofía en Sarajevo en 1914, por parte de un nacionalista serbio, y el período inmediatamente posterior que llevó al estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
Treasure in the Wall
A greedy trader who becomes convinced that a house is hidden in the wall of a house, decides to buy the house at all costs.
The Dervish and Death
Šahista Malik
Ahmet Nurudin is a dervish and head of the Islamic monastery of the Mevlevi order in Sarajevo. He is a personification of morale and dogmatic belief, everything that Muslim religion of the Ottoman rule rests on. Throughout his life, the atmosphere of the city, the relations with the judge and the mechanism of government, the image of Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the nineteenth century is being revealed. Based on a highly praised novel by Meša Selimović.
Some Far-Away Light
An ex-prosecutor comes to provincial hotel to commit suicide there. Prior to this act, he first calls persons who made him bring up such decision. Conversations over telephone reveal the causes and circumstances that led to tragedy.
Quo vadis Zivorad!?
Zivorad, unassuming young man from the village, is 'pushed' from his uncle to high positions, becoming a police inspector who is looking for hashish, a scientist, a man who rises agriculture land and whatnot...
The Demolition Squad
The Germans held the strategically important airport, where planes were taking off to bombard partisans positions. Headquarters of one a partisan unit sent a few commandos to blow up airplanes and airport in the air.
Clay Pigeon
Dr. Stahl
The martyrdom of two workers who fall into the hands of the Gestapo during the occupation of Sarajevo.
The Rakoc Cross
Shortly after World War II, the government sent a crew of drivers with large tractors to clear-cut and plow a vast, barren piece of land called "Krst Rakoc" in the hills of Kosovo and Metohia, for future orchards. They encounter deprecation and revolt from indigenous Albanian population who do not believe in good intentions of the government and the crew.
I'll Be Back
Član veća suda
A war disabled lieutenant colonel, who did not make it in the society, after many years of loneliness meets happy woman who loved him in the past, and not forgotten him despite the fact that she married meanwhile.