Jean Wyllys

Jean Wyllys


Jean Wyllys


Political Bodies
At a time when the far right is ascending to power around the world, the 2020 Brazilian municipal elections saw a surprising and unprecedented record of LGBT candidates. This film follows four young queer politicians during their electoral campaigns and reveals their struggle to affirm their rights to exist and be heard.
Breaking Myths
“Breaking Myths” aims to open the world’s eyes to the fragile and “catastrophic masculinity” of Brazil’s current President Jair Bolsonaro, a fanatical far-right politician who can best be described as the Brazilian Donald Trump — and who is up for a second term this October. The story is told through the lens of the critically acclaimed Brazilian filmmaker and LGBTQ activist Fernando Grostein Andrade (“Abe” Sundance 19), who directed, wrote, and produced the feature alongside creative partner Fernando Siqueira as the first release under his production company in California, FilmSoul Studios.
The Coup d'État Factory
Jean Wyllys
Brazil has a long tradition of coup d'états. These coups would have not been viable without the support of the big media, particularly TV Globo. Two Brazilian journalists in the UK reveal the manipulative tactics of these organisations.
A Lei e o Medo
A documentary that shows the fear of the loss of democratic achievements in the face of Bolsonaro's election in 2018. The film highlights two of these laws, the one that allowed homo affective marriage, among other LGBTQ+ flags, and the one that allows arresting those who protest in the streets, created in 2013 to curb street movements against the government.
Balizando 2 de Julho
A documentary that follows the participation of members of the LGBTQI+ community in the 2nd of July 2019 Parade, sometimes focusing their lenses on the performance of the beacons, or with the public that honors the moment.
La democracia en peligro
Aunque una vez Brasil fue un país lastrado por una dictadura militar, el 2002 se produjo uno de los acontecimientos más importantes de su historia social: la elección de Lula da Silva como presidente, un activista que había luchado largo y tendido para defender los derechos del pueblo carioca. Bajo su mandato, más de 20 millones de personas lograron superar el umbral de pobreza. En 2010, Lula cedió el testigo del poder a un prodigio llamado Dilma Rousseff. Por desgracia, la corrupción institucional alcanzó al pueblo llano que, influenciado por un juez partisano, acabó poniendo la lupa sobre Lula y Dilma, así como sobre cualquier persona que no estuviese dispuesto a bailar a su son. Este documental explica el proceso que llevaría a ambos políticos a juzgados por distintos crímenes judiciales.
Esquerda em Transe
Encantado, le Brésil désenchanté
Considered for a few years the “country of the future”, Brazil has seen since 2013 a deep disenchantment between the middle and popular classes that culminated with the rise of Jair Bolsonaro to the Presidency in 2018. Enchanted portrays this recent Brazilian history from a homonymous neighborhood of the Rio suburb transfigured by the 2016 Olympics. From Rio to Paris, a political and poetic testimony of Brazil through the eyes of the first generation of the popular class to study abroad.
The Trial
Anatomía del proceso de destitución contra Dilma Rousseff, diseccionado paso a paso para comprender las notorias irregularidades de lo que muchos consideran abiertamente como un golpe de estado, destinado a virar radicalmente la política económica de Brasil.
The Stranger in the House
Jean Wyllys is one of the MPs of Brazil's National Congress. The politician, who is also a journalist and teacher, fights for minorities, as well as being one of the greatest representatives of the LGBTQ+ cause. Now, he exposes a period of three years of his routine in the public sphere, which provokes a reflection on a time of polarization in Brazilian politics.
Ele mesmo
Her daughter afflicted by a rare epilepsy, Katiele tries desperately to obtain the only thing that can relieve it: a substance derived from marijuana.
Favela Gay
Favela Gay tells the story of eleven individuals in their own words. Living in eight slums (favelas) in Rio de Janeiro, these members of the LGBTQ community – two transgender women, a crossdressing man, a travesti prostitute, a famous carnival dancer, two community activists, and even a young man who used to be transgender, but transitioned back – have fought prejudice and seen some of the most unsavoury sides of the city.
Laughter of Others
There are limits to jokes? What is the politically incorrect humor? A joke has the power to offend? It is these issues that 'Laughter of Others' discusses interviewing personalities such as comedians Danilo Gentili and Rafinha Bastos, cartoonist Laerte and Congressman Jean Wyllys, among others. The documentary delves into the world of Stand Up Comedy to discuss the fine line between comedy and offense, between legal and what creates endless lawsuits.
Cinema in 7 Colors
Cinema in 7 Colors traces an historical panorama of how the queer people were portrayed in the Brazilian silver screens, from its origin in the chanchadas of the 1950s up to the present day. The film investigates the origins of the prejudices, stereotypes, as well as the importance of the identification with constructive representations of these characters.