Director of Photography
Urban archeologist Scott Jordan unearths 300 years of New York City's garbage to create 21st century art work.
El 15 de agosto de 1944, un grupo de paracaidistas saltó en el sur de Francia para proteger a las tropas aliadas que marchaban hacia Berlín. En territorio enemigo son atacados. Tres de ellos pondrán en riesgo su vida para proteger a los capturados.
Basada en la historia real de Aron Ralston, un intrépido montañero norteamericano tristemente famoso porque en mayo de 2003, durante una escalada, en Utah, sufrió una caída. Tras varios días inmovilizado e incapaz de encontrar una solución, tuvo que tomar una dramática decisión.
By 1941, Hitler’s Nazi regime had seized unbelievable control over the German people, dictating what they read, what they said-even what they believed. A whispered criticism of the Nazi Party could lead to a Gestapo interrogation and prison. In this environment, a young man, sixteen years old, took action that some considered foolhardy, and others viewed as treacherous and morally wrong. What he did was certainly dangerous. Today many consider his actions heroic. This is the story of Helmuth Hubener. Helmuth Hubener led a resistance group composed of himself and two of his childhood friends from his LDS Church branch. The three of them carefully distributed flyers throughout Hamburg that denounced Hitler and his propaganda machine. This documentary chronicles what happened to these young men, and the ultimate price paid by those who dared to stand up for the truth.