Carolina Rivas


Quiero ser fiel
Vocal Coach
Albert se casa con la mujer de sus sueños después de pasar una vida de ser enteramente un mujeriego. Él jura serle fiel pero todo se trastocará cuando un editor le manda escribir un libro acerca del por qué son infieles los hombres. Así pues, se embarcará en un viaje donde se enfrentará con situaciones que pondrán en riesgo su fidelidad y el acabar finalmente el libro.
1 For 1
An extraordinary black comedy that explores the limits of survival and absurdist political power games. The story takes place in times of elections in Mexico. A candidate for Governor runs over a pregnant migrant. After the accident, and to avoid a possible scandal, he hides her in a building he owns. Pressured by his political boss and so as not to ruin his political career, the candidate evicts the migrant. In a non-realistic style, the film focuses on the stories that surround the migrant during her search for a room. A radical film, with a critical gaze, that reflects the spirit of contemporary Mexican society.
1 For 1
An extraordinary black comedy that explores the limits of survival and absurdist political power games. The story takes place in times of elections in Mexico. A candidate for Governor runs over a pregnant migrant. After the accident, and to avoid a possible scandal, he hides her in a building he owns. Pressured by his political boss and so as not to ruin his political career, the candidate evicts the migrant. In a non-realistic style, the film focuses on the stories that surround the migrant during her search for a room. A radical film, with a critical gaze, that reflects the spirit of contemporary Mexican society.
Lecciones para Zafirah
A metaphor of the Flood in our times, The Flood is the rain of violence that washes over us. Noah´s Ark is the train that runs through Mexico toward the United States and migrants are the species attempting to save their lives. For the directors, cinema moves people not just by condemnation, but by confronting and fostering emotions which lead to new, constructive ideas. This documentary became a cinematographic diary for their first viewer, their three-year-old daughter, Zafirah.
Lecciones para Zafirah
A metaphor of the Flood in our times, The Flood is the rain of violence that washes over us. Noah´s Ark is the train that runs through Mexico toward the United States and migrants are the species attempting to save their lives. For the directors, cinema moves people not just by condemnation, but by confronting and fostering emotions which lead to new, constructive ideas. This documentary became a cinematographic diary for their first viewer, their three-year-old daughter, Zafirah.
El color de los olivos
Como muchas familias palestinas, los Amer viven rodeados por el infame muro en Cisjordania. Su vida cotidiana está dominada por puertas electrificadas, candados y la presencia constante de soldados. A través de un lente sensible, descubrimos el mundo privado de los ocho miembros de la familia. En el transcurrir de sus días se revelan sus luchas constantes y los pequeños detalles de su vida: amistades de la escuela, árboles de olivo, dos burros pequeños. La historia de la familia Amer es un punto de partida para hacer una compleja reflexión sobre los efectos de la segregación racial, las fronteras y lo absurdo de la guerra.
El color de los olivos
Como muchas familias palestinas, los Amer viven rodeados por el infame muro en Cisjordania. Su vida cotidiana está dominada por puertas electrificadas, candados y la presencia constante de soldados. A través de un lente sensible, descubrimos el mundo privado de los ocho miembros de la familia. En el transcurrir de sus días se revelan sus luchas constantes y los pequeños detalles de su vida: amistades de la escuela, árboles de olivo, dos burros pequeños. La historia de la familia Amer es un punto de partida para hacer una compleja reflexión sobre los efectos de la segregación racial, las fronteras y lo absurdo de la guerra.
Zona Cero
In the middle of a devastated area, a man carries his sick son looking for a doctor. The man faces indifference and abuse from people but his faith makes him resist.
Cicatriz arte
It is undeniable that there is a rupture between society and the authorities, especially regarding the police. In this documentary, the art attempts to heal this rupture.