Andrés Rignell


Park manager Fiona is tasked with taking care of some former friends who won an exclusive private sneak preview of Halloween at Liseberg - a whole night, all alone in the empty park. But cotton candy, lovely rides and lots of laughter soon turn into something completely different, as they realize they are not alone in the park. And the night of dreams quickly turns into a true nightmare.
We Hunt Giants
In a world where cavemen and dinosaurs share the world, a tribe is plagued by a man-eating giant T-Rex that hunts them all. Rougu, the son of the village chief, has had his woman and the whole village captured by the witch doctors tribe in the same area. They believe that the only way to calm the beast is to sacrifice her beautiful flesh. Rougu and his father realizes that the only way to save his woman and their village is to do what no man has ever done before... Hunt the Giant.
Director of Photography
The environmental movement gave the world free solar energy, but free solar energy created chaos in the economy. And chaos in the economy created war and destruction. Now our hero (played by Alexander Karim) must leave the apocalyptic planet to seek another future. Baker Karim creates a dystopian world with his Afrofuturism à la 2121.
En la casa de al lado
Sarah, su novio y su hijo Lucas de cinco años se mudan a una casa adosada. Pero el otro lado está perseguido por algo maligno, que quiere a Lucas a toda costa. Inspirado en hechos reales.
The House at the End of the Forest
Astrid goes to her family's summer cabin, her childhood's safe heaven, after having been brutally attacked by a stranger. Soon the secure and comfortable family reunion Astrid had hoped for turns into a nightmare when the stranger returns with a group of accomplices. What from the start seems to be a matter of home intrusion soon turns into something much darker and surreal.
The House at the End of the Forest
Executive Producer
Astrid goes to her family's summer cabin, her childhood's safe heaven, after having been brutally attacked by a stranger. Soon the secure and comfortable family reunion Astrid had hoped for turns into a nightmare when the stranger returns with a group of accomplices. What from the start seems to be a matter of home intrusion soon turns into something much darker and surreal.
Operation Ragnarok
Director of Photography
A town in south of Sweden is isolated after a viral outbreak. The Swedes and immigrants still inside must band together to survive the onslaught.
Ivy Vigilante
Director of Photography
'Ivy Vigilante' tells the story about Ivy, who during a visit to a psychotherapist opens her 'Pandora's box', when she looks back at her past to understand her self-destructive personality.
Crimes of Passion: Tragedia en un cementerio
Director of Photography
Un thriller apasionante lleno de intriga, traición, secretos, mentiras, sexo y muerte. Seis trepidantes historias sobre crímenes pasionales ambientados en los años cincuenta, en la bella e idílica localidad sueca de Bergslagen. La curiosa Puck Ekstedt, su marido Einar Bure y el inspector de policía Christer Wijk se ven involucrados en su afán común por atrapar a los críminales en un thriller apasionante lleno de intriga, traición, secretos, mentiras, sexo y muerte. Es Navidad y Puck regresa a su pueblo natal para pasarla en familia. Todos los planes de una vacaciones tranquilas se van al garete cuando el dueño de una tienda local, Arne, aparece asesinado a golpe de hacha.
Crimes of Passion: El rey de los valles
Director of Photography
Einar Bure y su mujer Puck Ekstedt son invitados a una boda en el pequeño pueblo de Skoga. Mientras esperan fuera en la iglesia conocen a Christer Wijk, jefe nacional del equipo de investigación de homicidios, con su madre Helena, quien los invita a quedarse en su casa un par de días. De repente, el novio, Joakim Kruse, aparece e informa a los invitados que la novia no ha llegado, por lo que la boda es cancelada. Por la mañana, Christer y Puck encuentran el cuerpo de la novia...
Inspector Blubber & Co
Director of Photography
A dead body is found, and police detective Mårten Späck draws the conclusion that a serial suicide killer is at large. Späck with his colleagues Grünvald Karlsson and Irene Snusk suspect a gang who distributes pirated DVDs of 'bottom-of-the-barrel' Swedish movies.
Herencia diabólica
Director of Photography
Henrik sufre pesadillas sobre la muerte de su madre. Entonces recibe la noticia de que su padre ha muerto y tiene que dejar todo para ir a un misterioso pueblo a averiguar la causa. Al llegar, es amenazado por fuerzas sobrenaturales y aterradoras visiones, que pondrán en duda su fe y le demostraran que el infierno existe.