Ignacio Muñoz


Kevin y su novia Evelyn están acampando en el bosque cuando ella es secuestrada e impregnada por seres de otro mundo. A medida que la entidad dentro de ella comienza a crecer, Evelyn descubre que sus antojos solo pueden ser satisfechos por la carne y la sangre humanas.
Toro Loco: Sangriento
Lady Caca
A homeless man wanders the lands in search of revenge for the murder of his son at the hands of an unknown gang. Upon arriving in a new town he finds himself trapped in a city drowning in chaos, its people firmly in the grasp of a ruthless crime boss peddling the mind-bending drug, "El Ultimo Aire." This man is a legend, a hit man, the killer of killers and the people call him "Toro Loco." He fights punks, crack-heads and tough guys with his trademark shooter, a Smith & Wesson 34-1, but you take that away from him and it doesn't matter. Toro Loco has another deadly weapon: his hands! Toro Loco is here and the first to die are the fucking lucky ones!
Toro Loco
Mateo, son of a notorious mob lord of the city, has been dumped by his wife who took his son away. He doesn't resist the shame and hires the most ruthless hit-man available to kill them. He hires Toro Loco, a cold, eccentric assassin with will bring the hell to this family, always under his own twisted rules.
Dirty Love
Película compuesta por tres historias que abordan temáticas explotation, violencia, gore y salvajismo, canibalismo, sadomasoquismo… todo ello encubierto por gruesas capas de civilización y normalidad… primero arrancamos con EAT ME TENDER, donde un psicópata hace de las suyas, torturando, violando y matando a mujeres hasta que se encuentra cara a cara con un particular vengador… la segunda NO ORDINARY LOVE narra la historia de un sujeto de apariencia normal que se encierra con una puta en un motel para dar rienda suelta a su oscura personalidad… y la tercera YOU LIKE THIS evidencia la esquizofrenia que se vive en un matrimonio y sus consecuencias de agresiones y quiebre emocionales irreparables… todo con un final de antología a cargo de TORO LOCO, un sicario que hace de las suyas con todo aquel que transgrede sus “reglas valóricas”
Two hit men are sent to kill the same woman not knowing that they are competing to assassinate her.
Two hit men are sent to kill the same woman not knowing that they are competing to assassinate her.