Casting Director
Casting Director
After taking several years off to have children, nurse Clara Horn returns to work and begins to feel the effects of the much tougher daily routine at the clinic - pressure, stress and tension are the order of the day. But she soon realizes that there is much more going on in her clinic: Apparently, one of her colleagues is deliberately killing patients. Clara must overcome not only her own doubts, but also massive resistance among her colleagues in order to convict the perpetrator, Rico Weber.
El veterano abogado defensor Konrad Biegler acepta la defensa de un hombre acusado de secuestrar a una joven. En el juicio deberá enfrentarse al tenaz inspector de policía Peter Nadler.
Cuando una niña es secuestrada, el implacable inspector de policía Peter Nadler emprende una carrera contra el tiempo para rescatarla.
Casting Director
Agnes and Gregor have had a happy marriage for 15 years. No crises, no affairs, no weariness. They looked for each other and found each other, say their friends Conny and Bernhard, who fight a lot and often. If a marriage is harmonious, it is this one. However, when Agnes became socially involved in addition to her job, the distribution of roles in the family, which had worked well for years, was thrown out of balance. The change in their relationship leads Agnes and Gregor into their first major crisis, which neither of them can deal with. They are shocked to find that they are about to lose love.
Casting Director
Suddenly going back to school, who hasn't woken up from this nightmare? For the teacher Fabian Sorge it becomes reality. Shortly before he became a civil servant, it came out that he forged his high school diploma as a young man.
El romance y el asesinato están entrelazados en este cuento del siglo XIX. A la vuelta del siglo, la intrépida comadrona Gesa encuentra su investigación en asesinatos misteriosos que la llevan más profundamente en la oscuridad. Mientras tanto, su aventura con el prestigioso Dr. Heuser se hace más polémica entre la alta sociedad.
Tom does not have it easy. At the student theater, his friend Jan and his beloved Annelie play the leading roles; the inconspicuous Tom, on the other hand, makes the prop. When he realizes that he must finally take his life, and especially love, into his own hands, he turns to his janitor, Mr Müller. What Tom does not know: Müller was once a psychologist of the Stasi! In the so-called "Romeo" program, he prepared male agents to address women in Germany and make them available as a source.
Después de haber intentado suicidarse, Cahit, un turco-alemán de cuarenta años, alcohólico y toxicómano, ha sido ingresado en la planta de psiquiatría, pero no consigue acostumbrarse a dormir sin drogas ni alcohol. A Sibel, una guapa chica turca de 20 años que ha nacido en Hamburgo, le gusta demasiado la vida para ser una buena musulmana. También ella intentó suicidarse para huir de la cárcel de rejas humanas que su familia, muy creyente y respetuosa de las tradiciones, había levantado a su alrededor. Una vez frustrado su suicidio, sólo ve una posibilidad para liberarse de su familia: casarse con Cahit.