Juan Carlos Torres


Video Assist Operator
Ramona is 84, and she has announced that she is ready to die. While her family is making the preparations, however, she changes her mind.
1 For 1
An extraordinary black comedy that explores the limits of survival and absurdist political power games. The story takes place in times of elections in Mexico. A candidate for Governor runs over a pregnant migrant. After the accident, and to avoid a possible scandal, he hides her in a building he owns. Pressured by his political boss and so as not to ruin his political career, the candidate evicts the migrant. In a non-realistic style, the film focuses on the stories that surround the migrant during her search for a room. A radical film, with a critical gaze, that reflects the spirit of contemporary Mexican society.
1 For 1
An extraordinary black comedy that explores the limits of survival and absurdist political power games. The story takes place in times of elections in Mexico. A candidate for Governor runs over a pregnant migrant. After the accident, and to avoid a possible scandal, he hides her in a building he owns. Pressured by his political boss and so as not to ruin his political career, the candidate evicts the migrant. In a non-realistic style, the film focuses on the stories that surround the migrant during her search for a room. A radical film, with a critical gaze, that reflects the spirit of contemporary Mexican society.
Rabioso sol, rabioso cielo
El amor como una epopeya ancestral, como una lucha mítica en la que la pérdida y la muerte no son sino fases inevitables del dulce dolor que ayuda a tocar la felicidad absoluta. En esta historia Kieri, Tari y Ryo se aman sin estar ceñidos a ninguna circunstancia espacial o temporal; se aman en el presente continuo de una eternidad dictada por la esencia misma de su razón de ser.