Magdy Idrees


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The Chair Carrier
The chair carrier
Sayed is a defeated human being living in the slums of old Cairo where he is constantly bombarded with government propaganda. He crosses paths with an ancient Egyptian porter carrying a throne and wondering in search of his lost king. Now Sayed wants to be seated too 'even for 5 minutes to see how it feels'. This political allegory is a study of the inherent self-imposed oppression in third world nations.
The Night Baghdad Fell
After the US invasion of Iraq, an Egyptian headmaster sponsors a young inventor to create a deterring weapon out of fear his country will be next.
El Destino
Emir of the Sect
La historia está ambientada en al-Andalus en el siglo XII, donde el famoso filósofo Averroes es nombrado juez por el gran califa. Rivales políticos del califa, centrados en el líder de una secta islámica fanática, obligan al califa a enviar a Averroes al exilio, pero sus ideas siguen viviendo gracias a sus alumnos.