This documentary begins searching for the whereabouts of the films that Servando Gonzalez did about the events of October 2nd 1968 in Tlatelolco, research that later will deal with the fire of March 24th 1982 at the National Film Archives, which destroyed a lot of important part of the footage from Mexico.
Rubén Jaramillo was the first cavalry captain of the South Liberation Army that Zapata commanded. For more than 40 years, he had an unequal struggle with the governments that followed after the armed struggle. In this film, the last stage of his life and the conflictive period of the Cold War are marked. The film is enhanced by the presence of an old Jaramillista integrated into the social movements that have elapsed from the seventies to the present: Mr. Félix Serdán Nájera.
Documentary on the legacy of the Mexican 1968 social movements
Documentary on the legacy of the Mexican 1968 social movements
Chapter 9 of the series 18 decades of life in Mexico in the twentieth century. Images of the cultural, social and political life in Mexico from 1940 to 1944. The presidency of Manuel Avila Camacho (1940-1946) in the context of the World War II.
Documentary on the historical legacy of the popular movements of Mexico in 1968
Documentary about the Mexican writer José Revueltas, imprisoned in the Lecumberri prison after the end of the 1968 student-popular movement.
Documentary about the Mexican writer José Revueltas, imprisoned in the Lecumberri prison after the end of the 1968 student-popular movement.
Documentary about the Mexican writer José Revueltas, imprisoned in the Lecumberri prison after the end of the 1968 student-popular movement.
"Recuperemos la ciudad para cada uno de nosotros. No la convirtamos en un aterrador laberinto de asfixia y muerte..."
Testimony of the popular struggle of 1968 from the perspective of the political prisoners locked up in Lecumberri.
Testimony of the popular struggle of 1968 from the perspective of the political prisoners locked up in Lecumberri.
Chronological account of the events that culminated in the massacre of students in Tlatelolco in 1968.
Chronological account of the events that culminated in the massacre of students in Tlatelolco in 1968.
Chronological account of the events that culminated in the massacre of students in Tlatelolco in 1968.
Chronological account of the events that culminated in the massacre of students in Tlatelolco in 1968.
Chronological account of the events that culminated in the massacre of students in Tlatelolco in 1968.
This short film is part of the many documentary materials through which the National Strike Council (CNH), the heart of the 1968 student-popular movement, disseminated its activities and proposals in university film clubs.
This short film is part of the many documentary materials through which the National Strike Council (CNH), the heart of the 1968 student-popular movement, disseminated its activities and proposals in university film clubs.
Paul Leduc, Rafael Castanedo, Óscar Menéndez and other students filmed the CNH assemblies and took to the streets to record the rallies, demonstrations and confrontations that the various student groups held against the police and the army throughout 1968.
Testimonio de las luchas populares ocurridas en México en el período de 1958 a 1964 y la participación del destacado muralista David Alfaro Siqueiros. Se narran aspectos de la vida política del artista y las causas que provocaron su encarcelamiento.
Testimonio de las luchas populares ocurridas en México en el período de 1958 a 1964 y la participación del destacado muralista David Alfaro Siqueiros. Se narran aspectos de la vida política del artista y las causas que provocaron su encarcelamiento.
Testimonio de las luchas populares ocurridas en México en el período de 1958 a 1964 y la participación del destacado muralista David Alfaro Siqueiros. Se narran aspectos de la vida política del artista y las causas que provocaron su encarcelamiento.
Testimonio de las luchas populares ocurridas en México en el período de 1958 a 1964 y la participación del destacado muralista David Alfaro Siqueiros. Se narran aspectos de la vida política del artista y las causas que provocaron su encarcelamiento.