This richly earnest drama follows Geneviève, a surrogate who must reckon with her ambivalence about the pregnancy and her precarious feelings for the parents-to-be
Morgan and Jean work well together as true crime podcasters because they didn’t work well, at all, as a couple. However, when Morgan strikes up a new relationship with the mysterious Simone, their shared interest turns into suspicion, paranoia, and fear.
Ambientada en el mundo de la psicofarmacología, ciencia que estudia cómo afectan las drogas a la mente humana. Emily es una joven que se vuelve adicta a un nuevo medicamento que le receta su psiquiatra para que pueda controlar su ansiedad ante la inminente salida de la cárcel de su marido.
Berlioz’s epic masterpiece retells the magnificent saga of the aftermath of the Trojan War and the exploits of Aeneas. Rising tenor Bryan Hymel, in his Met debut, stars as the hero charged by the gods with the founding of the city of Rome. Susan Graham is Dido, Queen of Carthage, who becomes Aeneas’s lover, and Deborah Voigt sings Cassandra, the Trojan princess whose warnings about the impending destruction of Troy go unheeded. Francesca Zambello’s atmospheric production, featuring choreography by Doug Varone, is led by Met Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi.
Gluck’s gripping adaptation of the ancient Greek myth is vividly brought to life by a stellar cast in Stephen Wadsworth’s atmospheric production. Oreste is driven by the Furies to atone for killing his mother Clytemnestre. When he and his companion Pylade are shipwrecked on the island of Tauride, the king Thoas demands they be sacrificed. At the center of the drama is Iphigénie, Oreste’s long-lost sister. Forced to live among her enemies, she holds the lives of the captives in her hands—unaware that one of them is her brother. (Iphigénie en Tauride is performed in an adaptation of the 1779 Paris version edited by Gerhard Croll, by arrangement with Bärenreiter.)
Tras el secuestro de un líder religioso musulmán por tropas norteamericanas, Nueva York se convierte en el objetivo de una serie de atentados terroristas. Anthony Hubbard, el director del equipo antiterrorista del FBI, y la agente de la CIA Elise Kraft serán los encargados de acabar con la organización criminal. Mientras tanto, el gobierno decide declarar la ley marcial en la Gran Manzana.