Ravi Singh

Ravi Singh

Nacimiento : 1972-03-31, New Delhi, Delhi, India


Ravi Singh is an Indian film actor, best known for his work in Malayalam cinema and Bollywood. Ravi Singh is well known as the Actor of Malayalam Movie Tiyaan 2017. He has also acted in a few Hindi Television soap opera.


Ravi Singh


Agentes letales
Pathan Nalwala
Un policía heroico al que le cambian el puesto decide castigar a los corruptos y sus secuaces entrenando a cinco asesinos.
Painting Life
Un equipo dirigido por un exitoso cineasta de Bollywood llega a una remota aldea del Himalaya para filmar un video musical y una secuencia de baile. Pronto se encuentran aislados del mundo exterior tras unas lluvias torrenciales y deslizamientos de tierra, y obligados a pasar por varias intensas e inolvidables experiencias. Cómo esos días accidentados por el asedio afectan los pensamientos y las prioridades del cineasta, constituye el tema central de la película.
The shenanigans of a good-hearted goon and his chums as they try to earn some quick money in the world of local crime in Kerala.
Kushal Ghorpade
The lives of a vedic scholar Pattabhiramagiri and his family come under threat after a godman and his goons try to displace him from his centuries-old ancestral home as part of building an ashram. The “curse” that befalls Pattabhiraman in the face of opposition leaves him broken, till a mysterious ally lends him his support. Their fight against the evil forces forms the rest of the plot.
Koyelaanchal (coal belt of India) brings to light the explosive story of the people who have kept our precious fuel station at ransom for centuries. Koyelaanchal unveils itself through Saryu Bhan Singh (Vinod Khanna),an ex-owner turned Mafioso of the region, who through his sheer brutality & blatant defiance of law of the land, forces the people & the authorities to acknowledge him as their 'maalik'. Any protest, any voice of dissent against him is dealt with spine chilling violence of epic proportions.