Artyom is 15 years old. This is the same age when you are not an adult, but also not small. It was in this, the last summer of childhood, that everything fell on Artyom at once: the betrayal of his father, who remained abroad after the tour, first love, friendship forever and quarrel forever. Artyom has only a skateboard - this is how in the 80s in the USSR they called skate, which Soviet teenagers had just begun to learn about. Now Artyom needs only one thing: by all means to win in street competitions.
Oleg Vidov — one of the Soviet Union's most beloved actors — was persecuted, blacklisted and pushed to the breaking point before escaping to the West and achieving the American dream.
Rusia, 1961. Rudolf Nureyev, el bailarín de ballet más grande de todos los tiempos, viaja por primera vez fuera de la Unión Soviética como miembro de la prestigiosa Kirov Ballet Company. Aunque el KGB sigue de cerca sus pasos y a pesar del gran peligro que conllevaba entonces la deserción, Nureyev huirá tomando una decisión que podría cambiar el curso de su vida para siempre.