Nathan Willcocks

Nathan Willcocks


Nathan Willcocks


Suzanna Andler
Accompanied by her lover, Suzanna, 40, views a Riviera beach house for her family's summer vacation. This day, this break in her routine, in this new house, will mark a turning point in her life. Based on the Marguerite Duras play of the same name, Suzanna Andler is the portrait of a woman trapped in her marriage to a wealthy, unfaithful businessman in the 1960s. She must choose between her conventional destiny as a wife and mother, and her freedom, embodied by her young lover.
So That Nothing Changes
After a long absence, Marie decides to return to the family home to introduce the partner with whom she is expecting a child.
El hijo soñado
François dirige el aserradero familiar con su esposa Noémie. Conoce a Patricia, una mujer casada con quien comienza un tórrido romance. Un día, Patricia descubre que está embarazada de François.
Marcus, a young intelligence soldier, became a national hero after his bravery in a terrorist attack. The authoritarian regime based on mass surveillance uses his image to value its action. As he returns to his parents' home for furlough, he will be faced with the reality of this ruthless administration he has come to embody in the media.
Casanova, su último amor
Año 1763. Obligado a exiliarse, el célebre libertino Giacomo Casanova abandona París y viaja a Londres, donde conoce a Marianne de Charpillon, una joven prostituta por la cual se siente tan atraído que llega a olvidarse del resto de mujeres.
Le Mans 1955
John Fitch
The 24 Hours of Le Mans, 1955. 300.000 spectators are watching from the sidelines. It is 6:00 PM when Pierre Levegh's car ploughs into the spectator stands, scattering the crowd with his car engine's hot debris.
First Man
Los primeros antepasados ​​del hombre partieron para conquistar el mundo, explorar lo desconocido, adaptarse a cada entorno. Y un día, para conquistar el fuego, un descubrimiento que los hizo invencibles. Construyeron refugios. Transformaron su entorno. Pero aún así, esto no calmó su sed de más. Intentaron comprender los misterios de la naturaleza. Inventaron historias para explicar lo inexplicable. Ahora son hombres. Aquí, por primera vez en la historia de la televisión, está la saga de nuestros orígenes, contada a través de la historia de una sola familia: un viaje épico en el que los últimos descubrimientos científicos arrojan una nueva luz emocionante.
A Taste of Ink
Hervé Vlanine
Vincent no ha vivido ni un tercio de su vida, pero ya se ha tatuado la mitad de su cuerpo y ha enronquecido su voz con su banda post-hardcore. Desde que murió su madre, divide su tiempo entre su trabajo haciendo piercings, con el que no es feliz, y su padre pescadero, que está intentando empezar una nueva vida con una mujer más joven. Y eso le está volviendo loco.
Lost in London
En el transcurso de una noche, Woody Harrelson sufre varios contratiempos en Londres que hacen que termine en la cárcel.
Deep in the English countryside, the government has preserved an apple tree, supposedly the very same from which Isaac Newton’s apple fell from. This image of the falling apple giving the idea of the law of universal gravitation has been reproduced, vulgarized, reused, commercialized, etc., and yet the actual story doesn’t come from Newton himself : thirty years after his death a biographer claimed it as an anecdote Newton once shared with him. And as for this protected apple tree, it is not sure that it is the actual tree mentioned in that anecdote. Fructose takes this as starting point to generate a poetic and surrealist documentary about the images that science produces and their impact on our own understanding of the world. Equally at play are interrogations of the ideology behind what we call “scientific knowledge” and its relationship with the notion of truth.
Nuit / Béton
Try to Die Young
Caminando sin rumbo en plena noche...
United Passions
Mr. Brown
Narra la historia de la FIFA, la principal institución futbolística, desde su fundación en 1904 y especialmente centrada en sus tres principales y más conocidos presidentes: Jules Rimet, Joao Havelange y Sepp Blatter.
La Francia salvaje
Un documental que muestra la diferente fauna que habita los hábitats naturales de Francia y las personas que los protegen y preservan.
Elias is a young French guy who has moved to Barcelona. In his country of origin, he has nobody but his grandmother, whom he hasn't seen for ten years. Unwillingly, he works as a prostitute in order to survive, even if he fears AIDS. The other streetwalkers, who once were his new family, now make him feel irritated and distant, even though one of them is in love with him. The only person he is fond of is a scared young boy who often goes to the parish youth club and is under the supervision of a strict priest. Perhaps that child reminds him of his childhood and has the same insecurities he had. This is what is happening to Elias: he's not satisfied with his present, while his past is a tangle of unsolved problems. What does the future hold for him?
American Football
Paris Connections
William Brown
At the beginning of Paris fashion week, a beautiful young model is brutally murdered. Investigative journalist Madison Castelli, certain that it is more than the "crime of passion" the French press says, comes to Paris to follow her story.
The Secret Routes of Migratory Birds
Acting Double