Vying to be the meteorologist at a nationally syndicated television station, Tara and Sam race to cover an unexpected storm heading their way. When they find themselves stuck in a dilapidated village that Christmas forgot, Tara must learn what is important before she loses both the love and career opportunity of her life.
Susan and Henry are hosting a dinner party, while trying to make good on a lie concerning the recent death of their father. Unexpected guests arrive, causing the night to unravel despite Susan's best efforts.
La película, basada en el libro de William Sirls, sigue a un pastor de un pueblo pequeño, su esposa y su hijo enfermo mientras un hombre misterioso es enviado para darles esperanza. Sirls adaptó su libro para la pantalla, escribiendo el guión con Aviv Rubinstein y Richard Clark Jr.
London Bridges, a fast rising Hollywood starlet, with her pampered pomeranian Latte in tow, arrives on location for "There Will Be Oil" to see that she won't be receiving the star treatment she is used to.
Una joven atada en el asiento trasero de un automóvil estacionado mira impotente mientras su captor cava metódicamente una tumba en el suelo del desierto. El sangriento cuerpo sin vida de su novio está enmarcado en el espejo retrovisor, un destino que luchará a toda costa para evitarlo. Pero esto es sólo el comienzo de una lucha brutal donde la supervivencia podría ser peor que la muerte.
A sociopath gathers and drugs groups of college students to bring out their existing suicidal tendencies to the surface then walks among them to enjoy and record their deaths.