Set in Osaka, during the devastated time of post-war Japan, this is a tale of the yakuza who set about rebuilding after the death of their Oyabun (big boss). Battles erupt as tempers explode as someone seeks to fill the seat of power.
A man aspires to be a big boss but falls in love with a beautiful woman boss.
Seijiro and Shizue meet in Niigata and fall in love. Seijiro has to go back to Tokyo soon after, and they promise each other to meet again a year later. However, Seijiro gets jailed for five years. Unable to find him, Shizue gets married to a yakuza boss who can help her family business.
Interesting fights between the "Capone Group" and "Jumbo Group".
Fresh out of jail, a smart-mouth wise guy Goro takes the name “Big Brother Katsumata.” Not fitting in well with established gangs, he forms a rag-tag gang called “the Shinjuku Brothers.” The members of their gang are thugs who only wish they were traditional yakuza. When they turn up at the funeral for a gangster, they are not welcomed, but a senior boss intervenes to keep things calm. The boss of bosses invites them to join a respected local council of warlords. Katsumata is suspicious of why such powerful men would extend an invitation to lowlife like himself.
Popular geisha Shinji (Fuji Junko) must defy a gang who plot to steal a lucrative coal business from struggling miners during the turbulent Meiji Era. With a stellar all-star cast, thrilling story and Takakura Ken's violent swordplay, makes this into a classic Yakuza movie!
La revolución industrual viene a Japón con la introducción del sistema de ferrocarril.
Esto condujo a choques entre barqueros, amenazado los trabajadores de la construcción de ferrocarril. Oryu la Peonía Roja vuelve a su casa en Kumamoto para aceptar su posición como el segundo líder de generación de la Familia Yano. Pero la ceremonia es interrumpida por lucha entre barqueros locales y trabajadores de ferrocarril. Y parece que una familia rival tira las cuerdas detrás de los choques...
While imprisoned, Tatsu encounters Danshi, a man who is a big honcho in the prison pecking order. After initial conflict they become sworn brothers. Tatsu and the sworn brothers he acquires weren’t really gangsters before their prison time, just ruffians. Prison, however, introduces them to plenty of gangland characters and three years later, they’re out of prison and enmeshed in the yakuza world.
Nabeshima Naoshige murders his lord, Ryuzoji Takafusa, seeking to gain power and steal his Lord’s wife. To avoid her fate, Lady Takafusa drowns herself along with her cat in a nearby marsh. A decade later, Naoshige’s efforts to steal another woman trigger a curse on him when she also commits suicide at the same marsh — forcing him to suffer the consequences of his past actions.
Second film of the Gokudo series starring Tomisaburô Wakayama
El pintoresco monje budista Shinkai (Tomisaburo Wakayama) es un religioso poco habitual: Bebedor, mujeriego, jugador empedernido… Y además avezado artista marcial. En los primeros años de la era Meiji (alrededor de 1870), cuando el portar públicamente espadas se ha prohibido por las nuevas autoridades, Shinkai lleva su cortante hoja envainada en una especie de bastón. Además de su destreza con arma blanca, el monje es un sobresaliente luchador cuerpo a cuerpo.