Christiane Hess


Die Toten von Hameln
Choir director Johanna Bischoff and her girls choir go to a concert in their hometown Hameln. Shortly before the scheduled performance disappear four of the girls and the organist David.Sie were on a hike in a cave of the Ith - the fabled mountain, in which 700 years ago the Pied Piper is said to have led the children. Seeking help, Johanna turns to her ex-boyfriend Jan Faber, head of the police station in Hameln.
Campamento sangriento: el regreso
Ya pasaron mas de 20 años desde la masacre ocurrida en el campamento Arawak. Angela Baker la psicopata causante de tantos y tan despiadados crimenes desaparecio. Ahora, se a reabierto un nuevo campamento no muy lejos de donde sucedieron los crimenes, y ahora... Angela ha regresado!