Mimmi Spång


A finales del siglo XIX, un joven sacerdote danés viaja a un lugar remoto de Islandia para construir una iglesia y fotografiar a su gente. Pero cuanto más se adentra en el paisaje implacable, más se aleja de su propósito, la misión y la moralidad.
Sick of Myself
Signe y Thomas mantienen una relación de pareja malsana y competitiva, que toma un giro pernicioso cuando Thomas obtiene cierta notoriedad como artista contemporáneo. La reacción de Signe consistirá en inventarse un nuevo personaje y tratar a la desesperada de llamar la atención y suscitar la compasión para recuperar su estatus.
Woman on the Roof
Mira, a 60 year-old woman, appears to have a normal life. One morning she starts her day like any other, wakes up early, puts her family's clothes out to dry, purchases food for her fish and commits a bank robbery with a kitchen knife. She discovers her need for money is surpassed only by her need for love.
Psychosis in Stockholm
Executive Producer
On vacation in Stockholm, a teenage daughter is left wandering the city alone when her mother suffers from a sudden mental breakdown. Coming of age becomes an equally sudden necessity.
In the spring of 2009 two Norwegian adventurers, Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland, are accused of killing their hired chauffeur just before crossing into the eastern Congo. The following manhunt starts a political and diplomatic headache.
The Charmer
A young Iranian man is desperately trying to meet women who can secure his stay in Denmark. As time runs out, he falls in love and his past catches up with him. The film deals with themes of race, class, and the struggle for a better life.
Swedish Candy, Some Violence and a Bit of Cat
Executive Producer
An existential sugar shock which takes us on a fun, candy-filled roller-coaster ride between cruel violence and extreme cuteness - which prove to be disturbingly close together.
The Heart
Mika and Tesfay. She: a photographer. He: a musician. Both up-and-coming. The first love. But an invisible conflict, an unnamable shame, stirs between their sheets. An insidious power game is in play, with its rules changing like music beats at the parties in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Ibiza. Behind closed doors and beautifying filters lies a raw reality where Mika’s control over her mind and body is at stake. But Mika rips apart relationship prejudices and explores what really makes our pulses quicken in matters of the modern heart.
Shadow Animals
Executive Producer
A young girl follows her parents to a party where she experiences assorted grown-up rituals. As the evening progresses she finds the adults' behavior increasingly strange. Everyone tries to fit in, but not everyone succeeds.
Golden Girl
Golden Girl is a film about the forces at play around Frida Wallberg, WBC world champion. It's about putting it all on the line in a deadly sport. About rosy dreams that crash into a nothing less than brutal reality.
Mi nombre es Emily
Una adolescente huye de su hogar adoptivo con el chico que la ama mientras busca a su padre, un escritor visionario que está encerrado en una institución psiquiátrica.
I Remember When I Die
Executive Producer
Death, the passage of time and eternity. Big topics, but seen from a new and original perspective in a film based on a simple idea: that one's sense of time ceases to function when one dies, and that one for a short – or in fact very long – moment has the chance to experience eternity. And to therefore live in a single memory forever. Which one would you choose? 'I Remember When I Die' takes place at life's last destination, a hospice, but is a poetic and vital journey into the borderland of consciousness, and right into a possible afterlife.
Algo debe Romperse
Executive Producer
Cuando Andreas y Sebastian se conocen, saben que están hechos el uno para el otro. En plena borrachera de amor, toman la ciudad vacía en verano: hurtos en el 7-Eleven, bailes en azoteas, baños furtivos, noches eufóricas. Pero a Andreas, heterosexual, le cuesta asumir su amor por el andrógino Sebastian, pues en su frágil feminidad, no deja de ser un hombre. Y, como dice la canción de Joy Division que da título al film, algo debe romperse: “Dos caminos a elegir / ante el filo de una navaja / quédate atrás / o impúlsate adelante”. (FILMAFFINITY)
Call Girl
Cuando en España aún estábamos a vueltas con esa droga misteriosa llamada píldora anticonceptiva y el divorcio era cosa innombrable, los progresistas y enrollados suecos ya iban por la liberación de la mujer y la revolución sexual. La sociedad modelo de la Suecia de los 70, sin embargo, escondía una buena montaña de mugre bajo la alfombra. Call Girl cuenta una trama policíaca -basada en un caso real- en la que altos cargos políticos se ven envueltos en un escándalo de prostitución que seguimos a través de Iris, adolescente rebelde que termina enredada en el “negocio” mientras la policía hace la vista gorda.
Valle acaba de ser despedido de su empleo como piloto de una aerolínea comercial.Para empeorar más las cosas su esposa también le ha abandonado. Al ver que no tiene posibilidad encontrar un empleo decide vestirse como mujer y así poder trabajar en una empresa donde buscan a una mujer para que pilotee sus aviones…
Sebbe es un chico de quince años que vive con su madre en un pequeño apartamento a las afueras de la ciudad. Sufre el maltrato de sus compañeros en la escuela, y se evade de la realidad gracias a sus habilidades técnicas, que usa para crear nuevos objetos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Heaven's Heart
Executive Producer
Two couples, old friends, end up in a heated debate over adultery at a dinner party.
A Soap
32-year-old Charlotte could have it all, but she doesn't want any of it. When she moves away from her boyfriend, she happens to become the upstairs neighbour of a trans woman Veronica. Veronica prefers to keep to herself with her little dog and a romantic soap show on TV, while Charlotte gets through the nights with one-night stands. An assault, a new bed and some white curtains bring the two of them together.
Four young boys with immigrant backgrounds stumble upon the recipe for Elixir, a drink that will make them more Swedish, both culturally and in appearance. What starts out as fun...
Viktor and his Brothers
Viktor's family doesn't get along very well; his older brothers fight, his father is tired and broken, his mother despondent. Viktor does what he can to make things better.
In the film "Hypnosis", we follow the young couple André and Vera, who have been given the opportunity to air their start-up idea in a highly regarded pitch competition. Just before the competition, Vera tries hypnotherapy to quit smoking, an experience that comes with an unexpected side effect.