Allen Guilford


El mundo del Río
Director of Photography
Año 2009. A bordo de un transbordador espacial, el heroico y valiente capitán Hale afronta la amenaza final: una lluvia de meteoritos. La nave se sale de control, la pantalla se va a blanco... Despierta inmerso bajo el agua, en una especie de celda transparente individual, en medio de muchas otras de éstas. Cuando vuelve a la conciencia, está saliendo del agua, en medio de un paisaje agreste cuyo gran rasgo característico es un gigantesco río que va de parte a parte del horizonte. Con él han resucitado varios otros.
A nature field researcher is investigating the strange extinction of small animals and insects in the area, which indicates that something is wrong. His suspicions are soon to be proven right when he meets May, who lives in a cabin in the forest nearby. May says that her house is infested by small creatures that she thinks are mice or rats. When the couple search the house further, they notice that they're not rodents or insects. They are fast evolving lizards that have the appetite for animals and humans, no matter what size their prey are...
Director of Photography
Dwight Serrento llegó a ser una estrella del pop, pero ha quedado reducido a poner la voz en anuncios de pollo frito. Con la intención de reavivar su carrera, pone en escena su propia muerte, pero un maniaco amante de los pollos, Zeke, descubre que el cantante no está muerto y se impone como la misión de su vida desplumar y freír a la envejecida estrella del rock como símbolo de la muerte de sus amigos los pollos.
Un loco genial
Hace mil años, en Inglaterra, el loco monje Elmer intentó volar usando un par de alas lanzándose desde una torre. Muere en el intento y su alma queda condenada al infierno por considerarse su muerte como un suicidio. En la actualidad, en Nueva Zelanda, Elmer tendrá una última oportunidad para demostrar que los hombres pueden volar y así salvar su alma. Jack Brown, un inteligente inventor, será poseído por el espíritu del monje loco para que centre todos sus esfuerzos en conseguir volar. Para ello Jack usará su última creación, pero este invento es también codiciado por su antiguo jefe y la amante de éste… Película producida y escrita por Peter Jackson, quien además fue director de segunda unidad.
Bread & Roses
Director of Photography
Based upon the life of activist and trade unionist (and later MP) Sonja Davies. The film covers her life up to 1956, when, at age 33, she was elected to the Nelson Hospital Board. During this period she develops strong socialist beliefs, marries and divorces, at age 17 trains as a nurse, has a romance (and a child) with an American marine who is killed in WWII action. She battles tuberculosis and marries a former boyfriend when he returns from the war. She becomes part of a women's ill-fated campaign to save the Nelson railway line from closure and begins to be elected to political bodies.
Absent Without Leave
Director of Photography
In 1942 Wellington, Daisy Edwards, 16 and pregnant, relies totally on her just-wed husband, Ed, who is little older than she. Ed is suddenly drafted into the army and is to be sent overseas to battle while Daisy is sent to her father in Auckland. When Ed's leave is cancelled at the last minute he takes the dangerous decision to go absent without leave to be with Daisy on her journey home. As a deserter, Ed is hunted, captured and imprisoned. Life inside is bad enought without the worry of what is going on outside. The film is based upon a true story.
The Footstep Man
Director of Photography
Sam is a sound technician, who must literally walk in the footsteps of the characters on the screen. A "film within a film" that connects the world of modern film-making to the Paris of painter Toulouse-Lautrec and his model/lover Mireille.
Flying Fox in a Freedom Tree
Director of Photography
Pepe is the son of a successful Samoan businessman, who rejects his father's world and his Christianity. Although he becomes rebellious, anti-social and engages in criminal activity, as well as being expelled from school, he manages to establish himself in business. However, when he gets his girlfriend pregnant, he takes on the responsibilities of a family. Through his close association with half-cast dwarf, Tagata, he enters the supernatural realm of his traditional ways and begins to find some peace and meaning to his life.
Rud's Wife
Director of Photography
Nan, recently widowed by Rud, a religious eccentric, treats her idolised son Mark and his family to a Sunday roast. An ironic comedy about a disconnected New Zealand family.
Trial Run
Director of Photography
Housewife Rosemary Edmonds leaves her family to take up residence in a remote cottage on the Otago coastline so that she can conduct a photographic essay on the yellow-eyed penguin. No sooner has she moved in than she becomes the victim of a series of increasingly more malevolent attacks from an unknown assailant.