Hassan Akkouch

Hassan Akkouch

Nacimiento : 1988-01-01, al-Kharayeb, Lebanon


Hassan Akkouch


Eine Million Minuten
Vera and Wolf Küper live in Berlin with their 5-year-old daughter Nina and their one-year-old son Simon. Vera takes care of the children and the household alongside a part-time job, while Wolf works as a scientific advisor to the UN, trying to raise awareness of the seriousness of the coming climate catastrophe. The stressful everyday life in a system that is not exactly family-friendly puts increasing strain on the young family and the couple's relationship. The Küper family's way of life is finally shaken to the core when little Nina is diagnosed with a fine motor and coordination disorder. At this moment, Wolf remembers a wish that his daughter expressed shortly before going to bed. Nina would like to have a million minutes, just for the really nice things.
Human Factors
Para alejarse de los tensiones de la compañía de publicidad que ambos dirigen, una pareja franco-alemana se marcha con sus hijos a un pueblo costero para disfrutar de unos días de vacaciones. Sin embargo, lo que iba a ser un retiro idílico se convierte en pesadilla cuando un ladrón entra en su casa. Nina, la mujer, es la única testigo de lo sucedido. Aunque al principio la situación provoca que la familia se una, con el paso de los días crece el resquemor entre la pareja, lo que les lleva lentamente a perder la confianza el uno en el otro.
Everybody Wants To Be Loved
Tarek Adel
Ina is a therapist, the mother of a rebellious teenage girl, and a partner to a man who has always put his own career first. She puts everyone’s needs ahead of her own until one hot summer day, when her self-centered mother celebrates her 70th birthday, something happens that will change everything.
God Is A Beetle
After studying graphic design, Aline is reluctantly starting her practical training as an art teacher. When her boyfriend leaves her on top of that, she runs off to live with her parents in the countryside. In this moment of crisis, she encounters a Catholic priest who is able to talk about faith outside of religion. Aline is intrigued, but remains critical.
14-year-old Leila is only supposed to have her tonsils operated on, a routine procedure. But when she wakes up from the anesthesia, she is suddenly blind. While the doctors are completely at a loss to explain how this could have happened, Leila's father Attila is beside himself. In his opinion, the doctors botched the operation. From day to day, he gets more and more involved in this thought and gets into a downward spiral that seems to have no end. Meanwhile, the family members drift further and further away from each other and become increasingly estranged. One day Attila finally makes a decision that will have consequences...
El choque entre una joven estudiante de origen inmigrante y el arrogante profesor con el que debe preparare un debate en una comedia dramática que fue todo un taquillazo en Alemania, con 200.000 entradas vendidas el primer fin de semana.Naima (Nilam Farooq) es una joven y talentosa estudiante de origen magrebí que lucha por sus estudios y por mantener a flote a su familia. En la universidad se dará de bruces con el profesor Richard Pohl (Christoph Maria Herbst), un brillante académico que parece distante y lleno de prejuicios desde su torre de marfil. Sin embargo, las circunstancias los obligarán a trabajar juntos, a conocerse y a respetarse.
Kino Kanak: Warum der deutsche Film Migranten braucht
Why has the German film and television industry so far not found a natural way of dealing with people with a migration background? The documentary "Kino Kanak" begins a complex search for traces.
Man from Beirut
Out of the dark - this is true for this film both on the story level and in terms of production. A hard-boiled thriller with a high-concept twist set in Berlin, Man from Beirut follows a blind hitman, Momo, as he tries to survive after his emotions have compromised the outcome of his latest „cleaning job“: He encounters a young girl in the wrong place at the wrong moment, but can’t pull the trigger this time - and finds himself on the run alongside fellow hitman Kadir. To make it out of the Berlin night alive, the killer has to turn against an army of former friends and new foes.
Strange Daughter
Seventeen-year-old Lena meets 19-year-old Farid, a young Muslim. She has a clear-cut attitude towards his culture and religion: utter rejection. Despite their differences – or perhaps because of them – they fall in love.
The Superhost
Joon 2
The Superhost follows Preston (Preston Chaunsumlit) and his roommate Sage (Colin Self) as they try to figure out rent, rapport and cold hard reality in downtown New York.
Layla M.
18-year-old Layla, a Dutch girl with Moroccan roots, joins a group of radical Muslims. She encounters a world that nurtures her ideas initally, but finally confronts her with an impossible choice.
New World
Three stories of immigrants trying to start new lives in Poland: an Afghan traumatised by the war, a Ukrainian lost in her own body, and a Belarusian running away from painful love. The Afghan, Azzam, works as a translator for the Polish army. In his homeland he is treated like a traitor. Having been evacuated to Poland, he is unable to shake off the war experiences. The Ukrainian, Wiera, escapes to Poland to undergo sex reassignment surgery in secret from her family. An unexpected visit from her father and little son will make her face the question of her own identity once more. Żanna, the Belarusian, leaves her husband, a dissident, and lives together with her daughter at her sister’s in Warsaw. She wants to move out as soon as possible and make a normal home. Things get complicated when her husband gets arrested again.
Der Pfarrer und das Mädchen
Neukölln Unlimited
The three siblings Hassan, Lial and Maradona are successfull dancers and musicians. But their family is in danger of being deported out of Germany. The teenagers plan to use their artistic talents to save the family. However the pressure has put a strain on their relationships, and the way to success is long and uncertain.