Robert Stone


Atomic Hope: Inside the Pro-Nuclear Movement
Executive Producer
Is nuclear energy the solution to the climate crisis? Whether it is the only carbon-neutral technology capable of tackling the crisis or a fatally convenient stopgap, time is running out.
Khrushchev Does America
The story of the unconditional, no-holds-barred tour of America by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, leader of World Communism and America's arch nemesis, during 13 sun-filled days in the fall of 1959.
Todo parece indicar que esa noche el grupo de amigos pasaran un rato tranquilos tomando algo en un bar. Pero todo cambia cuando las luces y todo tipo de energía comienzan a desaparecer en la ciudad. Poco a poco todo se sume en la oscuridad y reina el caos. Sin teléfonos, farolas, ni ningún tipo de comunicación, el miedo más absoluto que apodera de ellos cuando vean que se trata de una invasión de enormes OVNIS que vienen del cielo. Han venido a tomar el planeta y erradicar la raza humana, pero los cinco amigos no se quedarán con los brazos cruzados y les plantarán cara. La ficción y la aventura acompañaran a este grupo en su lucha por la supervivencia en un mundo que está luchando contra su propio final.
Bhutan: Taking the Middle Path to Happiness
Imagine a country where happiness is the guiding principle of government. Imagine a people who see all life as sacred and the source of their happiness, a place with an abundance of clean and renewable energy, a nation committed to preserving its culture and whose progress is measured by obtaining Gross National Happiness for its people. Where is this Shangri-La? Bhutan. But can a place like Bhutan really exist? Can such ideals be realized? Can this small, geographically isolated country tucked away in the Himalayans truly protect its environment and culture as they open their doors to the West? The answer is rooted in the Bhutanese view of the world, anchored in Buddhism, with the simple message that happiness can only be found by taking the middle path the path that balances the needs of man with the powerful spirits of nature.
Bhutan: Taking the Middle Path to Happiness
Imagine a country where happiness is the guiding principle of government. Imagine a people who see all life as sacred and the source of their happiness, a place with an abundance of clean and renewable energy, a nation committed to preserving its culture and whose progress is measured by obtaining Gross National Happiness for its people. Where is this Shangri-La? Bhutan. But can a place like Bhutan really exist? Can such ideals be realized? Can this small, geographically isolated country tucked away in the Himalayans truly protect its environment and culture as they open their doors to the West? The answer is rooted in the Bhutanese view of the world, anchored in Buddhism, with the simple message that happiness can only be found by taking the middle path the path that balances the needs of man with the powerful spirits of nature.