Polly McDonald
The hectic life of a seasoned journalist, who’s busy getting out the latest edition of The San Francisco Chronicle. The director follows the editor on his rambles through the city and offers a lively account of the din of the newspaper office – all the way from collecting information to going to press and distributing the newspaper. The historical images of San Francisco are something special: we see landmark buildings like the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Building, City Hall and the Pickwick Hotel.
A young woman takes refuge in a cabin during a blizzard with a villianous man. Meanwhile, coming to her rescue are the handsome hero and his trusted dog. A sub Rin-Tin-Tin canine named Peter the Great.
Terry Dunniva, un capitán de marina retirado que vive en Marblehead, Massachusetts, adopta a dos niños, Chrystal y Ned. A medida que la niña se convierte en mujer, Terry se da cuenta de que su amor paternal se ha convertido en algo más fuerte. Él le pide que se convierta en su esposa, pero Chrystal está enamorada de su hermano adoptivo, Ned.