Production Design
For her first television film, director Vera wants the perfect cast. But the first day of shooting is fast approaching and the numerous casting sessions have yet to find a suitable actress to play the leading role. Although the producer and crew are getting ever more exasperated with Vera, Gerwin is happy about the extra work, as he earns his money as an audition reader, delivering the lines of dialogue to the starry candidates at the various castings. When the male lead suddenly has to back out, Gerwin thinks that this might just be his chance.
Production Design
Summer 1944, Schwäbisch Hall. Contrary to the war propaganda and the decreed heroism, the 16-year-old boys dream of Swing music, sex and freedom - and of Lore, the air force helper from the air base, who attracts all eyes in her red swimsuit. At the same time, uncle, Knuffke, Bubu, tongue kiss and Hosenmacher suspect that they will not escape the horror of the front. "Stay tuned," Lore calls after them. But tongue kiss gets it first and also pants maker will not survive the war.
Production Design
Maria se encuentra atrapada entre dos mundos. En el colegio, esta chica de 14 años tiene los típicos intereses de una adolescente, pero cuando está en su casa debe seguir los dictados de la Sociedad de San Pío XII y su tradicional interpretación del catolicismo. Todo lo que Maria piensa y hace debe ser examinado ante Dios.
Production Design
Coproducción europea que gira en torno a la figura de Enrique IV de Francia y III de Navarra (1503-1555). A Enrique se le conocería como 'el rey bueno' de Francia, un joven príncipe navarro, llamado a ser un día Rey de Francia, según la profecía de Nostradamus. Tras largos años de guerras religiosas e intrigas de salón, Enrique llegará al trono. Su igualitarismo religioso, su pasión por la vida y las mujeres, su preferencia por los más desvalidos, convertirán a Enrique IV en un monarca excepcional. Los telespectadores se sorprenderán con la fascinante aventura de este rey que se enfrentó a las grandes casas reales europeas, que luchó por su vida más de una vez, que vivió incontables amores y que tuvo, por lo menos, 18 hijos.
Production Design
Germany, mid-1950s. Dr. Gerd Vorweg, Lord Mayor of a district town, can be completely satisfied with his life. A few years after the end of the war, he helped his town to regain prosperity and prosperity by setting up a large textile company. He is popular with the locals and has a showcase marriage with his wife Katharina. When Katharina suddenly disappears without a trace, this idyll is suddenly destroyed.