Andrea French


Expediente 39
Set Decoration
Emily Jenkins es trabajadora de servicios sociales. Emily piensa que en su campo lo ha visto todo... hasta que un día conoce a su nuevo y más misterioso caso, el que hace el número 39: una problemática niña maltratada de 10 años llamada Lilith Sullivan. Confirma sus peores miedos cuando los padres de Lilith intentan matar a la niña, su única hija. Emily la salva y decide llevársela con ella, hasta que otra familia llegue para acogerla. Pero pronto decubrirá que Lilith no es tan inocente como aparenta.
Kingdom Hospital
Set Decoration
Stephen King's take on the masterpiece series by Lars von Trier. The story takes place in a hospital in Lewiston, Maine, built on the site of a Civil War-era mill fire in which many children died.
Set Decoration
Carrie White es una adolescente que se siente muy desgraciada: sus compañeros de clase la ignoran, carece de vida social y se ve excluida de todo tipo de diversiones debido al fanatismo y conservadurismo de su madre. Con la fiesta de graduación a la vuelta de la esquina, Carrie sufre un humillante incidente en la escuela que despertará las burlas más despiadadas por parte de sus compañeros, de modo que acabará recurriendo a sus extraordinarios poderes telequinésicos. Remake del famoso film de Brian de Palma.
Un San Valentín de muerte
Set Decoration
Cinco amigas veinteañeras, Kate, Page, Shelly, Lily y Dorothy, al acercarse el día de San Valentín, intentan arreglar sus vidas amorosas. Sin embargo, una extraña cita acaba con el asesinato de una de ellas a manos de un psicópata enmascarado que, previamente, le había enviado una morbosa tarjeta de San Valentín. Después del funeral, las demás empiezan a recibir amenazas a través de tarjetas y mensajes.
Set Decoration
Alix Miller arrives at the isolated Crompton mansion in New Hampshire to paint the portrait of the mysterious Leland Crompton. When they meet, she discovers that he is horribly disfigured from a disease called acromegaly. Nevertheless, friendship, romance, and a deeper understanding develop between the two.
Circle of Deceit
Set Decoration
A woman finds out that her husband has been cheating on her and, as she tries to get custody of her son, events spiral out of control, leading to blackmail and murder.
Set Decoration
Ex-showgirl and part-time hooker Rogers loses her legitimate job at a casino because of an abusive trick. She gets revenge when she is blacklisted and her son is threatened.
A Child's Wish
Set Decoration
A family discovers their youngest daughter has cancer. But the real struggle has yet to start.
Touched By Evil
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Successful business advisor Ellen Collier is attacked by a serial rapist, and becomes frightened and withdrawn after the incident. She begins to regain her confidence with the help of her friends and her new boyfriend Jerry, but a series of events make her suspect Jerry was responsible for the crime.
Jesuit Joe
Set Decoration
Canada, 1911. Narrated by a vulture, the story of Jesuit Joe, a mixed-race who belongs to a rebel Indian family, which have pay a lot for the defense of their territory. After having striped a policeman of his uniform, Jesuit Joe cross the Far North to give justice.
Blood River
Set Decoration
Jimmy Pearls, a directionless young drifter, kills Henry Logan's son and two other men after he found out that they murdered Jimmy's parents for their land. Trying to get away from Logan's vengeance, he goes to ground in the mountains and meets Winston Patrick Culler, an old trapper, who becomes his traveling companion and protector. Jimmy doesn't understand though why Culler is helping him...
La piel que brilla
Set Decoration
En una comunidad rural en 1950, un niño de ocho años está fascinado por los relatos de terror. Inspirado por esas historietas, el chaval empieza a sospechar que su nueva vecina, una mujer solitaria, distante y siempre vestida de negro, es una vampiresa... (FILMAFFINITY)