Yun-loong Kuan


A Time in Quchi
Cuando Bao es enviado a la casa de su abuelo durante el verano, y no está exactamente contento. El paisaje parece de otro planeta comparado con la ciudad, y, lo peor de todo, no hay televisión por cable. Se pasa las horas pegado a la pantalla de la tablet, y no percibe la belleza y la aventura que le rodea. Sus padres, que están en el medio de un divorcio, lo envían y él y su hermana pequeña con su abuelo, con la esperanza de que no vean el lado desagradable de una ruptura. Sin embargo, han pasado por alto que nada de eso ha afectado a sus hijos, en especial a su hijo apático. A medida que pasa el verano, Bao se ve obligado a salir de su zona de confort y tecnología para entablar amistades y relaciones humanas en la vida real. También tendrá que enfrentarse a una experiencia desgarradora que lo cambiará para siempre. En el transcurso de un verano, Bao crecerá.
The Game They Call Sex
The whole story revolves around a woman from marriage, marriage to divorce encounter sexual problems as the main axis, reflecting the Taiwan society in this regard subjective and objective taboos. The first paragraph of the description of the actress Xiao Xiaomin arranged with the parents of the scholar if strong engagement after the agreement with the high school students often travel, and finally cancel the engagement. The second paragraph to write her marriage in order to fight for a wounded into her young Wu Dawei testify to her husband's misunderstanding, but also the end of the divorce. The third paragraph to write her commitment to kindergarten education work to recognize the disabled young boy odd, she did not dare to face the problem of love, but the other's cheerful outlook touched her.
My Favorite Season
Bi Bao-Liang is a 29 year-old man who believes that he will have bad luck if he touches a woman before he turns thirty. Liu Xiang-mei is a beautiful woman who had a love affair with her married boss, and now she is pregnant. In order to give her child a family name, she decides to find a man to have a one-year marriage contract. Bi Bao-Liang is the perfect man she is looking for because he is afraid of women. However, their marriage does not follow what they've planned...