Ten years after Mondovino, his analysis of the increasingly standardised wine production in France, wine expert Jonathan Nossiter picks up the thread again and shows what it means to be rooted in the soil you're working on. During walks through the vineyards and relaxed gatherings with a group of alternative Italian wine growers, he trades experiences and arguments. What looks like a bucolic paradise, where intelligent people produce wine according to time-honoured and organic methods, is actually revealed to be a battleground. The DOC association, which is supposed to look after the interest of independent vintners, promotes winemakers who produce vast amounts in a standardised quality; and the agricultural industry with its hygiene regulations excludes traditional methods of production. The only thing saving the landscape from being totally destroyed is affluent foreigners using the old vineyards as summer holiday homes.
Ten years after Mondovino, his analysis of the increasingly standardised wine production in France, wine expert Jonathan Nossiter picks up the thread again and shows what it means to be rooted in the soil you're working on. During walks through the vineyards and relaxed gatherings with a group of alternative Italian wine growers, he trades experiences and arguments. What looks like a bucolic paradise, where intelligent people produce wine according to time-honoured and organic methods, is actually revealed to be a battleground. The DOC association, which is supposed to look after the interest of independent vintners, promotes winemakers who produce vast amounts in a standardised quality; and the agricultural industry with its hygiene regulations excludes traditional methods of production. The only thing saving the landscape from being totally destroyed is affluent foreigners using the old vineyards as summer holiday homes.
Inspirada en gran parte en hechos reales, cuenta la historia de cuatro hermanos que buscan su camino en la vida. De padres diferentes, los cuatro viven con su madre, empleada doméstica que espera otro hijo, de padre desconocido.
En 1952, siendo el "Che" Guevara estudiante de medicina, recorrió América del Sur, con su amigo Alberto Granado, en una destartalada moto. Ernesto es un joven estudiante de medicina de 23 años de edad, especializado en lepra. Alberto es un bioquímico de 29 años. Ambos jóvenes emprenden un viaje de descubrimiento de la rica y compleja topografía humana y social del continente hispanoamericano. Los dos dejaron atrás el familiar entorno de Buenos Aires en una desvencijada motocicleta Norton de 500 cc, imbuidos de un romántico espíritu aventurero.