Inspired freely by some passages from Kafka's "The Process", it is an attempt to reconstruct the obsessive atmosphere of the work of the Prague author. It is set in Rome's bleak courthouse.
Una joven pareja discute sobre si deben tener o no un hijo en unos días en los cuales una gran plaga azota la Tierra y hace que la población descienda más y más. A la vez, también deberán buscar un lugar seguro dónde poder refugiarse de las catástrofes que no para de sucederse por todo el planeta.
The primitive theater expressed through rites and myths as it has come down to us, as documentation of ancient civilizations.
A text taken from Lucrezio's "De rerum natura" (The plague in Athens) is illustrated with a collage of images mainly shot in the slaughterhouse in Rome.
This short documentary describes a day in the life of a peasant family Lucania. The parents go to the fields and leave their 10 year old girl take care of numerous children.