Anca Puiu

Nacimiento : 1971-10-30, Bucharest, Romania


Oana Pfifer, a young therapist visibly distracted by some unknown reasons, is slipping little by little inside the net of the questionnaire she is supposed to submit to her patient. Mihai Dumitru, Oana’s younger brother, worrying about the preparations of his anniversary and not realizing how inappropriate his demands are, is stuck in a story far bigger than what he can handle. Septimiu Pfifer, Oana’s husband, concerned about his health regarding a possible Covid-19 contamination, is vaguely listening to a strange story his ambulance colleague was caught inside long ago, while waiting for the next emergency call. Narcis Patranescu, an organized crime inspector, perturbed by the recent death of one of his colleagues, is on the grip of an unsettling dark story while interrogating a young woman during a funeral. Four short moments in time that are capturing the wanderings of a bunch of errant souls stuck at the crossroads of history.
Night Patrol
Women and men in the middle of the night, without their own clothes, without personal papers and money, without their car keys and mobile phones. In a deserted city the only solution would be, regardless of how far home is, to walk alone all the way there.
The Campaign
Viorel, a quiet, upright tractor driver from a small town in west Romania meets Mocanu, a high profile politician campaigning for a seat in the European Parliament. Mocanu’s car has broken down nearby and Viorel and his wife welcome the politician into their humble home. Under investigation for corruption, Mocanu sees an opportunity and decides to stay with this modest family during the rest of the campaign, winning people’s hearts by posing as a common man next to his “old friend”, the honest, hard-working farmer. In return, Viorel will get a new tractor.
Un grupo de invitados pasa las vacaciones de Navidad en la mansión de un aristócrata de Transilvania. Según van surgiendo los diferentes debates y el ambiente se va caldeando, la tensión llega a cotas insoportables.
One and a Half Prince
A trio of quirky lifelong friends create a makeshift family, but their tight bond is tested when one of them falls in love with a writer.
Tres días después del atentado contra Charlie Hebdo y cuarenta días después de la muerte de su padre, Lary – 40 años, médico – va a pasar el sábado con su familia, reunida en memoria del difunto. El evento, sin embargo, no se desarrolla como estaba previsto. Obligado a afrontar sus miedos y su pasado y forzado a reconsiderar el lugar que ocupa dentro de la familia, Lary tendrá que decir su verdad.
Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter
The dog owner
Cristiana is a 30 year old woman, brought up in a "proper", bourgeois middle-class family. Her time is split between writing for her PhD in Earthquake Engineering, conversations with Alex and Michelle, her two close friends and occasional, eagerly awaited rendezvous' with Dan, a married man with whom she is romantically involved. After her parents move out of the family apartment into a new house, she decides to get a dog. It is something that she wanted ever since she was a child and now that she lives on her own she can finally fulfill this wish.
Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter
Executive Producer
Cristiana is a 30 year old woman, brought up in a "proper", bourgeois middle-class family. Her time is split between writing for her PhD in Earthquake Engineering, conversations with Alex and Michelle, her two close friends and occasional, eagerly awaited rendezvous' with Dan, a married man with whom she is romantically involved. After her parents move out of the family apartment into a new house, she decides to get a dog. It is something that she wanted ever since she was a child and now that she lives on her own she can finally fulfill this wish.
Three Interpretation Exercises
Three films based on Three Conversations by Russian writer and philosopher Vladimir Solovyov.The actors' 'exercises' develop into a minimalistic trilogy on cinema and literature, social and spiritual life, acting in film and in real life.
The story of Victor, a 45-year-old rocker, whose love for his son Florin go beyond what is socially and morally acceptable. The father's everyday life is orbiting around his son, a drug addict.
Aurora, un asesino muy común
La última película del director rumano Cristi Puiu ('La muerte del señor Lazarescu') gira en torno a Viorel (interpretado por el propio Cristi Puiu), un hombre divorciado padre de dos niñas, tiene 42 años y que se encuentra sumergido en una profunda crisis. Aunque aparentemente es un tipo normal y corriente, algunas de sus actitudes hacen presagiar lo peor: conduce por toda la ciudad en posesión de un rifle de caza y no sabemos qué intenciones puede tener de utilizarlo... ¿qué busca? ¿qué pretende? ¿hacia dónde se dirige? Pronto descubriremos que Viorel es en realidad un despiadado asesino, cuando lo veamos acechar a una familia en un solar abandonado. Después, continuará su viaje incierto rodeado de terribles pensamientos.
NELU, a man in his forties, works as a security guard in the local supermarket in Salonta, a small town on the Romanian-Hungarian border. This is the place where many illegal emigrants try to cross, by any means posible, to Hungary and then further to Western Europe. One morning, NELU will “fish” something different out of the river: a Turkish man trying to cross the border. Not able to communicate verballly, the two men will somehow understand each other. NELU takes the stranger to the farmhouse, gives him some dry clothes, food and shelter. He doesn’t really know how to help this stranger. The Turkish man gives NELU all the money he has on him so he will help him cross the border. Eventually, NELU takes the money and promises he will help him cross the border tomorrow, MORGEN…
While people in Western Europe were used to choose between hundreds of brands, the communist Romanian used to have a different experience: all our life we lived with only one brand for each basic product. Imagine the importance that this 'mono-brands' could acquire for the lives of those who made them and for the lives of those who consumed them. A love story between man and object.
It's Maxim's birthday. He's 8 years old. He lives together only with his mother in a village not so close to the big city. For his birthday, his mother will take him to Bucharest, to McDonald's. There, Maxim hopes to meet his father.
La muerte del Sr. Lazarescu
El señor Lazarescu es viudo y vive solo en un apartamento con sus tres gatos. Su hija Bianca se marchó a vivir a Canadá. Una noche, el solitario anciano se siente mal y llama a una ambulancia. Lo llevan a un hospital, y desde allí a otro y a otro más, pero en ninguno pueden atenderlo. Mientras tanto, su estado de salud se va agravando rápidamente.
La muerte del Sr. Lazarescu
El señor Lazarescu es viudo y vive solo en un apartamento con sus tres gatos. Su hija Bianca se marchó a vivir a Canadá. Una noche, el solitario anciano se siente mal y llama a una ambulancia. Lo llevan a un hospital, y desde allí a otro y a otro más, pero en ninguno pueden atenderlo. Mientras tanto, su estado de salud se va agravando rápidamente.
Hora staccato
On the night of 5th to 6th of May 1950, DGSP, the political police of the communist regime, which was recently installed with the help of the Red Army, arrested in Bucharest 69 former politicians, generals, secretaries of state, ministers and prime ministers, in an operation later called »The Night of the Dignitaries«. Due to the specificity of the NKVD modus operandi, the former officials arrested that night didn’t receive any kind of information regarding the reason of their arrest. Moreover, in the next days they were sent directly to Sighetu Marmatiei prison, without a trial.