Ryota Tanaka, a young man who was struggling to become a manga artist in Tokyo, came back to his hometown in Fukuoka, feeling the limits of his dream. It was a part-time job at the local life extension zoo that introduced Ryota, who was in the old friend's room, without relying on his parents' home. While working with the director Noda and veterinarian Aya Ishii, Ryota knew that this is a rare zoo in the world that puts emphasis on “animal welfare” that puts animal health and happiness first. However, the management of the garden is in a critical situation due to the budget reduction, and Ryota decides to draw a comic again to convey this effort with her own picture...
A los 10 años, Aki Miyagawa se mudó a Tokio para perseguir su sueño de convertirse en una virtuosa del taiko, pero la realidad es dura, y ahora que ha crecido, lo está pasando mal para compaginar su tiempo entre la música y el trabajo. El día a día no hace más que apartarle de este sueño de infancia, hasta que de pronto, recibe una llamada. Ahora, después de 15 años, volverá a su pueblo para lograr que se celebre el gran festival de taiko