Ali, once a promising young boxer from the Romani community and the only daughter of a Romani leader, falls in disgrace when she gives birth to her second child out of wedlock.
A young man is searching for his place in the world. He finds his way, religion and his "brothers" in the radical Islam. What begins with the wish of helping people in Syria leads Jan through religious murder as an ISIS-soldier and back to his home county Germany.
The young law student Aylin knows exactly what she wants: Become a lawyer. To finance her studies, she works as an escort girl. Because she had to defend herself against a pushy businessman, now threatened five years in prison. From the police comes an offer that she embarks on in her distress: As a decoy Aylin can avert her punishment and even continue to study law. Drug investigator Jan and his boss Hannah use them on the smuggler Musab to arrest him in the act. How dangerous the clever Clan chief can be, but they both do not say.
Se trata de la historia de un comando de operaciones especiales en la que se captura el momento en que los vínculos amistosos de sus miembros se resquebrajan bajo el peso de presiones externas e internas. Las fechorías de dos bandas de delincuentes juveniles mantiene a los policías en constante tensión; pero a eso se suman rencillas personales propiciadas por un ambiente estrictamente jerarquizado y propenso al tráfico de influencias.