Emmanuil Kazakevich


Camino a Berlín
El film retrata el cruce de los ríos Oder y Neisse y los esfuerzos por dispersar al ejército alemán a apenas 60 kilómetros de Berlín.
Estrella: señal de socorro
Segunda Guerra Mundial, verano de 1944. Frente ruso. Tras prolongadas y sangrientas batallas, el Ejército Rojo ha hecho retroceder a los invasores alemanes hasta la frontera oeste de Rusia. Sin embargo, los alemanes se preparan para llevar a cabo un gran contraataque. El Cuartel General del Ejército Rojo envía a un grupo de jóvenes soldados, con edades comprendidas entre los 23 y los 25 años, detrás de las líneas enemigas, para informar sobre los movimientos del enemigo. Su señal de llamada será "Estrella".
Нежданный гость
Spring on the Oder
A war drama set in Germany at the end od WWII.
The Blue Notebook
In the summer of 1917, Vladimir Lenin leaves Petrograd and shelters in Razliv with fellow revolutionary Grigory Zinoviev. In the weeks that follow, Lenin writes his famous "Blue Notebook" advocating proletarian revolution.
Two on the Steppes
In the summer of 1942, the Soviet army is fighting the Germans on the Don River. Young lieutenant Ogarkov gets lost in the steppe and fails to deliver a redeployment order. For that, he is sentenced to death. Now, another soldier has to lead him across the steppes to his death.
The Star
Command of one of the Soviet divisions becomes aware of the alleged enemy counterattack. The scouts sent into the enemy's rear to refine the data returned. A new group of seven scouts, called "The Star", headed by Lieutenant lieutenant. Returning after a job, the group suddenly found with the German squad. After sending one of the scouts with a report, the lieutenant lieutenant with his friends enter into mortal combat with the enemy ...